About me

I am an assistant professor of Business Analytics at the Driehaus College of Business at the DePaul University. I worked as a post doctoral research fellow at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. I received my PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from the Northwestern University. I received my bachelors and masters in Industrial Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology. My research interests are the application of data-driven stochastic modeling and queueing theory in supply chain management, service operations and healthcare.


  • M.Sc., Industrial and System Engineering , 2011.
  • B.Sc., Industrial and System Engineering , 2009.

Fun Activities

I enjoy hiking, running, biking and playing violin in my free time.

Crescent City Classic, NOLA

near Madison, WI

Chicago, IL

Find more photos here.


  • Walter P. Murphy Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University, 2013.
  • IEMS Department Award for Exceptional Leadership and Service in the Ph.D. Program, Northwestern University, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Northwestern University, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.

Computer/Language Skills

Programming: C++, SQL, VBA, AMPL, Python, Gurobi

Optimization: AMPL, Gurobi, WinQsb, Lingo, Mathematica

Statistics: R, SAS, Minitab, SPSS

Simulation: Vensim, Powersim, Any logic, Arena

System Engineering: Rational Rose, SQL

Language Skills: English: Fluent. Persian: Fluent. French: Intermediate.

PhD coursework

  • Mathematical Programming I & II (IEMS 450-1, 450-2)
  • Probability I & II (MATH 450-1, 450-2)
  • Production & Logistics I & II (IEMS 480-1, 480-2)
  • Stochastic Control (IEMS 468)
  • Stochastic Models I & II (IEMS 460-1, 460-2)
  • Stochastic Systems Simulation (IEMS 435-0)
  • Foundations of Operations Management (OPNS-521)
  • Decision Models for Operation Management (IEMS 490)
  • Stochastic Optimization (IEMS 490)
  • Advanced Queuing Theory (IEMS 464)
  • Transportation Network Design and Operation (IEMS 489)
  • Economics, Social Psychology and their Experiments (MORS-522)
  • Predictive Analytics (IEMS 462)
  • Robust Optimization (IEMS 490)