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INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022 (Second Place in BOM Working Paper Competition)

IRAC 2022 

INFORMS Chicago Chapter Officers

Social Event at DePaul University 2021

Graduation Ceremony at DePaul 2021

White Mountains, NH 

Devil's Lake, WI 

Yellow River State Park, Iowa 

Chicago Skyline 

Porcupine Mountains, MI 

Starved Rock State Park, IL 

Manitowish Waters, WI 

Mount Cardigan, NH

PostDoc Research Day, Dartmouth College, December 2018

Student Chapter Award, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015, Philadelphia  

Student Chapter Annual Award at the Summa Cum Laude level, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016, Nashville

 (This award is the highest honor a student chapter can receive. )

IEMS Department Award for Exceptional Leadership and Service in the Ph.D. Program, Northwestern University 2016

PhD graduation, 2018

PhD graduation, 2018

Northwestern ED, 2017

Playing Violin, Long time ago!