Roof Cleaning and Growth Control

Are Photosynthesizing Bacteria eating your roof?

Simple Services provides Manufacturer Recommended Safe Roof Cleaning. Believe it or not, you can make that 20 year old roof look great again and last the full 30 years or longer!

Call or Text (831)331-1133 for a free estimate. Save your roof, increase the value of your home, increase Curb-Appeal, and lower cooling costs but up to 30%.

Simple Services is certified by SoftWash Systems to do ecological roof cleanings. Visit to see what Simple Services brings to Santa Cruz. The nearest other SWS Roof Cleaning Company is in Sacramento. (They are called No Moss, if you have a property in that area)

Why use a softwasher?

This photo from one of my SoftWash Systems Academy classes shows how the right synergy of oxygenated Good Stewards™️ roofcleaning mix will clean the roof in one pass, using less surfactant than the competition and causing less runoff. Do it right the first time!