In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple calculator app for Android using Android Studio. This calculator app will have basic functionalities like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Open the "activity_main.xml" file in the "res/layout" folder. We will use a combination of LinearLayouts, EditTexts, and Buttons to create our calculator layout. Replace the existing code with the following:

Simple Calculator App Download For Android

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In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a simple calculator app for Android using Android Studio. You can now use this knowledge to build more complex apps and even hire Android developers for your projects.

A Button in software development refers to a graphical control element that provides the user with a simple way to trigger an event, like submitting form data to a server or toggling a user interface feature. Buttons are a crucial component of any graphical user interface and they can be found in virtually every software application.

EditText is a standard entry widget in android apps. It is an overlay over TextView that configures itself to be editable. EditText is used to read user input. Even when a form appears in multiple activities, you can use this widget. It is commonly used in forms and to provide an intuitive interface for user input.

Create a simple calculator which can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division depending upon the user input. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement this project using the Java language.

I've been trying to get a simple calculator app working for the past couple of days but I can't seem to narrow the problem. I am a total newbie at android development so there could be a problem with my mainActivity code but I've made some precautions and tried them out. I tried deleting all the code I personally made and redoing the whole emulator process and the app still does not open. I have tried deleting the app on the emulator and restarting, I tried rebuilding, cleaning and turning off instant run. I don't believe it's an Android Studio issue because I created a new project and tossed some XMl elements in and it ran perfectly fine on my computer. I think there's something wrong with my code.

I'm new to Android. I'm trying to develop my first calculator. My calculator output is good, but I'm trying to make some changes to it. Please suggest. My output is 2+2=4.0 How can I get 4 if I put 2+2 and 4.0 when I put 2.8+1.2.

I found curious that those functions are not in the same app considering that a lot of them have different unit conversors that basically works doing the Rule of Three internally. The logs feature is usually in bloated scientific calculators aimed for students. And finally there are a lot of Calc Apps that request internet permissions that i find useless for a calculator.

The tutorial is slow paced and the guy explain from beginners perspective. He also explain other pitfalls and how-tos. He also explains about: style, theme, layout, design process while creating a simple calculator application and the last 5 videos are on MVP design pattern. Overall it is a playlist for beginners. He also has many other useful videos for beginners and intermediates.


i tried the above calculator code. But i found that multiple operations cannot be supported which means if i give 1+1+1= result is 2. the operation performed for the last two numbers. how to resolve the pblm?please help

Hello, I have a question about the extra points I can work on this project  -to-android-with-java/tracks/developing-an-android-application/modules/building-android-apps/informationals/simple-calculator-project

Because it's a basic calculator app, Simple Calculator doesn't have scientific calculator functions. But it can easily solve simple math calculations, with functions such as multiplication, additions, subtraction, division, percentages, and square roots. Simply enter the numbers and mathematical symbols needed for your math problem, and the app will display the solution.

We will try to develop the simplest calculator, which takes two numbers and applies addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations to them. The result is displayed as a complete expression.

Making your own apps, even simple ones, with a GUI still seems to be surprisingly tricky, and this makes it hard to teach, especially if you want to build an app that will run standalone, or near-standalone, on a real computer.

My only previous guizero project was a simple word processor, WoolfWrite. I got slightly obsessed about how word processors lacked an on-screen word counts, so important to anyone writing an essay, job application or being paid by the word! Also, different web forms and apps calculate word counts in different ways, so I decided to write my own to see if I could figure out why. I should probably do a blog post just on that one day, coding is great way to learn, like the time I had to code a solution to the Monty Hall maths problem before I could understand it.

My aim was to use the simplest possible Python code, so anyone relatively new to the language could follow it. I also decided not to look at any other calculator and that it should behave pretty much like my ancient solar-powered desk calculator that I retrieved from a dustbin where one of my BBC bosses had thrown it because he disagreed with an answer it had given. To be fair, he had a degree in maths from Cambridge, so he was probably right.

I have been learning Java for a few months now and have created a basic calculator application in Android Studio for a school project. Since this is my first attempt at programming, I am sure that my code is not as succinct as it could be.

Much like developing any non-trivial program, there is more than one way to do it, and if you get ten different programmers, you might get ten different ways of writing a calculator (unless they all happen to be Android Authority readers *wink*). The complete source for the calculator app written below is available on github for use, reuse and modification as much as you like.

For our sample calculator, we will setup our project to use data binding. Using data binding in this app simply helps us refer to our widgets (Buttons, EditText and TextView) directly, rather than finding them with findViewById() methods. To enable data binding, you must add the following line to your app build.gradle file.

The calculator layout is a bit long. This is due to the fact that we have to explicitly define, and meticulously position, each of the buttons in the calculator. The snippet below is a condensed version of the activity_main layout file

Our calculator has two values, valueOne and valueTwo. These values hold the numbers to be operated on. Both values are of type double, so they can hold numbers with and without decimals. We set valueOne to the special Double value NaN (not a number) for reasons that will be clearer below.

This simple calculator can only perform operations of either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. So we define four static chars to represent these operations, and a CURRENT_ACTION variable, which holds the next operation we intend to perform.

This tutorial presents a learning exercise that outlines how to make a command-line calculator program in Python 3. This calculator will be able to perform only basic arithmetic, but the final step of this guide serves as a starting point for how you might improve the code to create a more robust calculator.

Depending on the needs of your calculator, you may want to convert the string that comes in from the input() function to either an integer or a float. For this tutorial, whole numbers suit our purpose, so wrap the input() function in the int() function to convert the input to the integer data type:

The goal of the program is for the user to be able to choose among the different operators. Start by adding some information at the top of the program, along with a choice to make, so that the person knows what to do.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a basic calculator app for Android using the Kotlin programming language and Android Studio. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional calculator app that can perform basic arithmetic operations.

Congratulations! You've created a simple calculator app in Android using Kotlin. This tutorial covers the basics of building a calculator user interface and implementing arithmetic operations. You can further enhance your app by adding features like decimal points, handling edge cases, and improving the user interface.

In this article, we are going to learn how to make a simple calculator using kotlin in android. We are going to perform some basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

In this article, we have seen how to make a simple calculator using kotlin language. Thanks for reading and hope you like it. If you have any suggestions or queries on this article, please share your thoughts.

These calculators are useful for both the beginner and experienced professionals in the construction, design, specification, maintenance, management, and budgeting fields. The MIDG is used by design professionals, corporate management, facility owners and managers, energy and environmental consultants, mechanical engineering teachers, and mechanical insulation industry manufacturers, distributors, and contractors, among others.

Do you think that the built-in calculator in your smartphone or tablet is not up to your demands? Or have you grown tired of going the long way just to arrive at an answer? Then, you should take your computations to the next level with the Simple calculator app. 2351a5e196

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