The Play is the THING

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

American Theater 1944

Glass Menagerie

Introduction work

1. Read vii to xi and stop at ".....the sadness of Rose's existence." At top, end of paragraph.....(You can read up to here without ruining the end)

2. List 25 vocab words to look up (in Comp book)...highlight or box all powerful polysyllabic words. You will look up the 25 you don't know at the end.

3. Look up Williams' "plastic theater"

4. Did The Glass Menagerie ruin or make Williams' career?

5. What are Tennessee's feelings concerning this play?

6. Why would Americans be weary of Reality in 1945?

......Read xi on till the end after the play has finished.....

7. How did the play relate to the playwright's sister?.

YouTube link for play below

Look up the following items on Wikipedia and write down 5 bullet points about each of the subjects. All are alluded to in The Glass Menagerie and must be understood to comprehend their importance. Plus, they are important historical events, people or places. This play, written in 1944, is a flashback into the early 1930s. All work can be put into your Composition Book.

Scene 1 Composition Book Questions (opening monologue)

1. D.H. Lawrence

2. Guernica, the Painting by Picasso.

3. Guernica, the battle

4. Clark Gable

5. Neville Chamberlain (don't forget Harry Potter here!)

6. The Merchant Marines

7. A southern belle and southern beau (look up Gone with the Wind Images)

8. Franco from Spanish Civil War

9. The Spanish Civil War

10. What happened in Berchtesgaden?

11. The Hogan Gang

Scene 2 - Comp Book Question (12 minute mark)

1. Why would the mother be so concerned about Laura dropping out of school?

2. Why does Amanda inquire about boys?

3. What happens if Laura doesn't get a husband?

Scene 3 - Comp Book - Blue Mountain Monologue (23 minute mark)

1. What is poetic about Tom's Soliloquy?

2. List several reasons Tom is frustrated with his mother.

3. In what ways does Tom escape his miserable life?

4. Why does Tom use the mob as his fantasy to assault his mother?

Scene 4 - "I have been to the movies!" (31 minute mark)

1. In Tom's monologue explain the metaphor of Malvollio the Magician.

2. Tom states that man is a lover, a hunter, and a fighter. Explain the meaning. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

3. Why does the mom get mad over "man is by instinct?" (Hint: Scopes Trial)

4. What two things does Amanda (mom) make Tom promise?

5 How does the stage setting below with the large face change the dynamics of the play?

Scene 5 - Tom's Surprise (50 minute mark)

1. Who was Chamberlain? (England 1930s...famous line?) (picture below please)

2. What was Berchtesgaden? (picture below please)

3. Who was Franco? (stage direction-paper headline)

(picture below please)

4. Explain the fear of James Delaney O'Connor.

5. Write down one or two lines of humor.

6. Amanda says, "You ignore the fact that the future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past everlasting regret unless you plan for it." Explain this. Is it ironic that Amanda states it? Does this sound more like Williams?

Scene 6 - Tom & Jim (1 hour 5 minute mark)

1. "I am tired of the movies, and I am about to move." Analyze this monologue and contrast Tom's view of the world vs Amanda's and vs Jim.

2. Define paragon. "Bring this paragon to supper."

3. Define supercillious. "Don't be supercillious with your mother."

4. Explain why you believe Amanda was indeed a popular Southern Belle.

Scene 7 - Laura and Jim (answer in the Comp book) (1 hour 30 minute mark) (ends at 2 hours 14 minutes)

1. Who is culpable for Laura's tragic fall? (Tom, Amanda, or Jim)

(Pick only one and answer in 100 words) provide a quote or two

2. Explain the symbolism of the unicorn. (50 words) have a quote

3. In five months or five years, how do you think Laura will look back upon this experience? (50 words)

Theatrical Analysis of Glass Menagerie

(Preparation for seminar)


Set up inner and outer group.

Show the two versions....Amanda vs Tom.

Inner group monitor Tom's actions on screen and versus the play's directions

Outer group monitor Amanda's actions in the same fashion.

Venn diagram...similarities and differences between productions

a) Character portrayal...

b) Directions followed.....

c) Usage of lighting on character.....

d) Additions to dialogue or deletions.....

Begin to prepare for seminar. Work on sheets about director's options.

Also the following are potential questions about the play for the seminar.

1. Jim, the gentleman caller, hero or villain?

2. Who is the main character of the play? Why?

3. Discuss the Introduction. How did the author evoke his personal pain?

What was worse? The play or Williams's life?

4. Explain to the group the most palpable elements of the play to you the viewer.

5. What do you think happened to Amanda and Laura? Why?

6. "Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, and a fighter?"....discuss...personal views. Historical context. Modern context. Can you explain it?

7 Tom's abandonment.... villain, hero, or victim? explain

8. What is the theme of this play? Explain.

9. Relate a character in Glass to another character in literature you have read in school.

10. Discuss the symbols throughout the play: the unicorn, the music, the movies, etc

Watch if you dare.


John Malkovich

Karen Allen

The link above is for the film version of The Glass Menagerie

Summer Reading for Senior Year

Death of a Salesman

Arthur Miller


This production of Death of a Salesman is word for word. However, remember this: you must be active. Book should be at the ready with plenty of highlights and notes. Besides the level of profundity throughout, the play requires much contemplation. You will need to consult the text and frequently stop for annotations.

Spend time on the stage directions; focus on the questions for the summer project.

Oh....don't wait until August to begin summer work. Take off until July, then knock them out before August. Then rest a couple of weeks.