Into the Wild

Late 20th Century Literature 1996

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Pre-Reading Assignment

Prior to reading. Write the following in your Composition Book.

Explain a desired pilgrimage you would take alone and why? Would you fly or drive? Explain. You must be gone at least two weeks. Be prepared to share with the class.

Chapters 1 & 2 (3-14: 11 pages)

1. Define 10 words in Composition Book from first 2 chapters

2. Part of style is the presentation of events and order - chronology and flashback. Why would Krakauer start his novel by giving away all the "juicy bits" of the end? Explain/detail how you think the book will be organized from here on out.

Chapter 3 (15-23: 8 pages)

1. Define 5 words in Composition Book from chapter 3.

2. Detail the personality of Chris based upon Krakauer's characterization.

Chapter 4 (25-37: 12 pages)

Utilize Google Earth and Google Maps to follow and see some or all of the places McCandless travels in this chapter. What is your opinion of this journey? Smart? Adventurous? Foolish? How does this compare/contrast with Thoreau? Or Kerouac? Pick one of the two.

Chapter 5 (38-46: 8 pages)

Explore the possible reasons why Chris McCandless would have forsaken society in such a strong fashion. What advantages did he have in life? What could have pushed him away from those advantages?

Chapter 6 (47-60: 13 pages)

1. Compare and Contrast Chris McCandless and Tom Wingfield. Use a Venn Diagram. Not only focus upon situation, but their individual philosophy. Then answer this....How normal do you feel this inner torment is amongst people in general? Why?

Chapter 7 (61-69: 8 pages)

1. Define 10 words in this chapter

2. Do you really think Chris McCandless thought he would never return (only to live in the wild) or actually die tragically? Explain.

Chapter 8 (70-85: 15 pages)

1. Define 10 words in this chapter

2. List adventurers, dates, places and cause of deaths

3. How does Krakauer attempt to develop Ethos for McCandless's adventure in this chapter? Explain

Chapter 9 (87-97: 10 pages)

Define 5 words in this chapter (there are certainly more)

Why do you think Everett Ruess chose the name "Nemo"

Relate this section comparing Ruess to McCandless to of the Transcendental writings of Whitman and Thoreau.

Chapter 10 (98-102: 4 pages)

Stylistically, why does Krakauer inject this brief chapter here following the previous two?

Chapter 11 (103-116: 13 pages)

Prior to reading, define: taciturn, arcane, mercurial, vagaries, loath, rancor, wanderlust, ostensibly, affinity, gregarious, and incorrigible.

Thinking about Whitman's line from "Song of Myself" - "I am large/I contain multitudes" explain how Krakauer's characterization of McCandless paints him up as a complicated person. Relate him to Thoreau, Whitman, Emerson, or Tom Wingfield or Jack Kerouac.

Chapter 12 (117-126: 9 pages)

Vocabulary. Wow! Beware of pages 122-123. I count 25 polysyllabic words. You will need 10 or 15 of these for comprehension sake. The alpha plus inserts them all into his/her composition book for extra credit.

Had it not been for the deceptive double life of Billie and Walt McCandless, Chris would have never perished in the Alaskan bus. Support or Refute the statement with examples from previous 2 chapters.

Finally, Tolstoy was described as a celibate (along with Thoreau, John Muir, Evan Ruess, and Chris himself). Your thoughts as to why? Could be similar in reason as to why religious organizations (Catholics being one) demand celibacy for its priests.

Chapter 13 (127-132: 5 pages)

Vocab: Look up: pensive, recalcitrant, and gregarious

Twice God has been attacked for letting Chris die (Franz and sister), what are your thoughts on blaming a deity for happenings here on earth?

Chapter 14 (133-144: 11 pages)

Vocab: Look up melodramatic, existential, itinerant, imperative, reverie, heralded, willy-nilly (list 5 synonyms), extricated, mundane, and veneer.

How does Jon Krakauer establish his ethos as capable of commenting on mentality of Chris McCandless? (look out for Jack Kerouac)

Chapter 15 (145- 156: 11 pages)

(spend time on this one!)

In this chapter's self-analysis provide stylistic examples of at least 3 of the following (list): fluctuation of diction, tone, logos, ethos, pathos, literary devices, hubris, epiphany, etc. What does Krakauer attempt to prove? Successful or not? Why or why not? (again, spend time on this chapter).

Chapter 16 (157-171: 14 pages)

Look up the following words: opaque, castigate, ruminate, ambivalent, and naivete. (extra credit if one becomes a tattoo on the neck in college).

On page 163, analyze the passage by "Alexander Supertramp." Pick one word and explain why "it" happens to be the most effective (efficacious) choice of diction.

How did a moose, Walden, and Tolstoy produce his epiphany? What did McCandless decide would be his "verse" that he would contribute to the world.

Chapter 17 (172- 186: 14 pages)

1. Now that the novel is nearly finished (a quasi-historical analysis of McCandless), reflect upon the mood of this book. How does it make you feel? Why? How?

2. What is your "soul-flight"? Why?

Look up "unresolved Oedipal conflict," along with modicum, feckless, posited, sobriquet, miasma and dubious.

Chapter 18 (187-199: 12 pages)

VOCAB - Look up: conflagration, conundrum, scrupulous, surmise, conjecture, & enumerates.

How do you feel? Why? How did Krakauer contribute to your overall mood? How much do you relate or not relate to Chris McCandless? Explain.


JUNIOR RESEARCH - Mini-research required by all Juniors. To Be Determined

In keeping with the spirit of Transcendentalism, each student must take a road trip in America to a National Park, National Monument, or a historical or cultural center. (No Myrtle Beach, Disney World, or Harry Potter Land). You must present to class and use a quotation from Walt Whitman's "Song of the Open Road" to highlight your trip.

Speech must be 2-3 minutes in PowerPoint, Prezi, or YouTube presentation.

A bibliography of 2 sources must be listed in MLA format at the end.

Answer the following:

1. Where you are going.....

2. Why you are going there......

3. How you are getting there......

4. Why you picked the Whitman quotation.....

5. You must visit 3 places.....

(Have Fun btw!!!!)

All or none grade. A picture for each, an answer for each, and a bibliography and you will get full credit.

This is a prelude to the capstone project.

25 points.