• Are SIMBA sessions free to attend?

Yes. We believe in providing free education that is easily accessible for everyone.   

• Can I participate from anywhere in the world? 

Yes. As long as you have access to WhatsApp and Zoom on your device.

•  How much experience do I need to participate? 

Basic familiarity and history taking in order to arrive at the diagnosis. Our cases are designed to be challenging, so we don't   expect you to finish all of them within the allocated time. Any questions you may have will be answered in case discussions with the expert after all the simulations. We recommend viewing our example video to get an idea of the simulation process: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3bBoa0QmdAg 

• Will my answers be anonymous? 

Yes. All answers throughout the session and feedbacks submitted in the post-SIMBA survey will be anonymous.

• Is my performance marked? 

Your approach for the simulated cases will be anonymously scored using a SIMBA Assessment Tool and the findings will be group. However, should you wish to know your individual performance, please mention this to your moderator at the end of all simulations.

• Will I get a certificate of attendance? 

Yes. You will receive your certificate upon completion of the post-SIMBA survey.

• Any pre-reading needed? 

It is not mandatory. However, you can read the latest guidelines for the relevant conditions to familiarise yourself.

•  How can I contact you? 

Email us at simbasimulation@gmail.com

•  When is the next session?

Follow us on Twitter @SIMBAsimulation or keep an eye on our website for announcements of future SIMBA sessions. Click here to view the list of our previous session.