Recent advances in computational inverse problems
Workshop - 21-22 April 2022, University of Bath, UK
This 2-day workshop will bring together international researchers working on the themes:
Numerical Linear Algebra techniques for regularising inverse problems
Data-driven regularisation of inverse problems
Solvers for dynamical inverse problems
Stochastic algorithms for inverse problems
Dates and times: the workshop will start on 21/04/2022, in the early afternoon, and end on 22/04/2022, in the early afternoon.
Location: the workshop will be held at the University of Bath campus, in room CB 5.6 located in the Chancellors' Building. Instructions for travelling to campus can be found here (instructions specific for travelling with bus can be found here). Campus maps are available here. Here you can read about Covid-related measures implemented on campus.
Note that this workshop will be held in parallel with the Mathematics for Deep Learning Opening Workshop.
There is no registration fee to attend this workshop, and you are welcome to any of the talks.
However, for planning purposes, please fill-in this form by 14/04/2022 if you would like to join the coffee breaks, reception, and lunch.
This event is funded by EPSRC, under grant EP/T001593/1.