

Insights into Alcohol Abuse: Does Educational Mismatch Affect Drinking Behaviors in Russia?,  Italian Review of Economics, Demography and Statistics (2023), 77(4), 73-84.

Daylight Saving Time Policies around the World: Diversity and Impact (with S Balia and D. Depalo), in K.F. Zimmermann (ed.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (2023), Springer Nature,


Freedom of choice and health services’ performance: Evidence from a national health system (with A. Fernandez Perez and D. Jimenez Rubio), Health Policy (2022), 126 (12), 1283-1290.


The effect of health shocks on financial risk preferences differs by personality traits (with N. Rice), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2022), 204, 356-371. 


Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Health: The Case Of Tuberculosis (with S. Balia and S. Pau), Italian Review of Economics, Demography and Statistics (2021), 75(3), 149-160.


The Good Outcomes of Bad News. A Randomized Field Experiment on Formatting Breast Cancer Screening Invitations (with M. Bertoni and L. Corazzini), American Journal of Health Economics, (2020), 6 (3), 372-409.


Does fiscal decentralization affect regional disparities in health? Quasi-experimental evidence from Italy (with C. Di Novi, M. Piacenza and G. Turati), Regional Science and Urban Economics, (2019) 78, 1-14 (Among the most cited articles from Regional Science and Urban Economics published since 2018, extracted from Scopus)


Education-Job Mismatch as a Determinant of Health: Evidence from the Russian Federation (with M. Vasiakina), Italian Review of Economics, Demography and Statistics, (2018), 72, 100-112.  

A Comparison of Parametric and Non-Parametric Adjustments using Vignettes for Self-Reported Data (with A.M. Jones and N.Rice), in B.Baltagi and F. Moscone (ed.) Health Econometrics in Contributions to Economic Analysis, Emerald Publishing, (2018),  Vol. 294,  England, Emerald, 145-174.


How do hospital-specialty characteristics influence health system responsiveness? An empirical evaluation of in-patient care in the Italian Region of Emilia-Romagna (with G. Fiorentini and R. Verzulli), Health Economics, (2018), 27(2), 266-281.


Comment on "Can we use vignettes to address response-scale heterogeneity in the EQ-5D?" Not if but how, Health Economics, (2017), 26(3), 395-397.


Are bad health and pain making us grumpy? An empirical evaluation of reporting heterogeneity in rating health system responsiveness (with G. Fiorentini and G. Ragazzi), Social Science and Medicine (2015), 144, 48-58.


Health System Responsiveness: an Empirical Evaluation of Inpatient Care in the Health Service of the Region of Emilia-Romagna (with G. Fiorentini, A. Nicoli and S. Rodella), Politiche Sanitarie (2014), 15(4), 171-184.


Insecure, sick and unhappy? Well-being consequences of temporary employment contracts (with  V. Carrieri, C. Di Novi and R. Jacobs) in Solomon W. Polachek , Konstantinos Tatsiramos (ed.) Factors Affecting Worker Well-being: The Impact of Change in the Labor Market, Research in Labor Economics, (2014), Volume 40,  Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 157 – 193.


A comparison of parametric and non-parametric adjustments using vignettes for self- reported data (with A.M. Jones and N. Rice), SIS 2013 proceedings, (Electronic Book) in E. Brentari and M.  Carpita (eds) Advances in Latent Variables (2013), Vita e Pensiero Eds., Milan, Italy,  ISBN 9788834325568


Vignettes and Health Systems Responsiveness in Cross-Country Comparative Analyses (with N. Rice and P.C. Smith). The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A (read paper) (2012) 175(2), 337-369.


Health Systems` Responsiveness and its Characteristics: a Cross-Country Comparative Analysis (with N. Rice and P.C. Smith). Health Services Research (2011), 46(6), 2079-2100.


Inequality and Polarization in Health Systems Responsiveness: a Cross-Country Analysis (with A.M. Jones, N. Rice and P. Rosa Dias). Journal of Health Economics (2011), 30 (4), 616-625.


Socio-economic Status and Education Grade Influence Breslow Thickness, Disease Free and Overall Survival in Clinical Stage I-II AJCC Skin Melanoma: Outcome Analysis from a Single Institution Experience (with M. Mandalà, G. Imberti, D. Piazzalunga, M. Belfiglio, K. Di Biagio, R. Labianca, L. Marchesi, B. Merelli, P. Poletti, A. Milesi, L. Milesi and C. Tondini). Mayo Clinic Proceedings (2011), 16 (2).


Analysis of the Validity of the Vignette Approach to Correct for Heterogeneity in Reporting Health System Responsiveness (with N. Rice and P.C. Smith). The European Journal of Health Economics (2011), 12 (2), 141-162.


Contractual Conditions, Working conditions, Health and Well-Being in the British Household Panel Survey (with A.M. Jones and N. Rice). The European Journal of Health Economics (2011) , 12(5), 429-444.


The Geography of Hospital Admission in a National Health Service with Patient Choice: Evidence from Italy (with D. Fabbri). Health Economics (2010), 19 (9), 1029-1047.


International Comparison of Public Sector Performance: The Use of Anchoring Vignettes to Adjust Self-Reported Data (with N. Rice and P. Smith). Evaluation (2010), 16 (1), 81-101.


Health Systems Responsiveness - a Measure of the Acceptability of Health Care Processes and Systems (with N. Valentine, A. Prasad, N. Rice, S. Chatterji) in P.C. Smith P., E. Mossialos and S. Leatherman (eds.) Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects (2009), WHO European Regional Office, London.


Market Structure and Technology: Evidence from the Italian National Health Service (with A. Zanardi). International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics (2006), 6(3).


Struttura di mercato e tecnologia: Un’analisi empirica del Servizio sanitario nazionale italiano (with A. Zanardi). Politiche Sanitarie (2006), 7 (1).

Working Papers

The effect of minimum wages on health: evidence from China (with D. Liu and G.Turati), CRELI WP n.1-2023, Catholic University Milan (R&R in Economic Modelling).


Health Outcomes of Educational Mismatch: Evidence from Russia, CRILDA WP n.2-2024, Catholic University Milan.



Work in progress

A micro-data analysis of patients’ mobility in the Italian NHS (with G. Cinelli and G. Fattore)


Perceived health, health care access and mobility of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence from Northern Italy (with Barbara Bonvento, Martina Celidoni, Silvia Coretti, Chiara Dal Bianco, Vincenzo Rebba, Lorenzo Rocco and Federica Maria Rossi)


The effects of media and internet usage on vaccine hesitancy (with Elena Cottini and Claudio Lucifora)


Patience and intention of having more children: causal evidence from Indonesia (with Arif Anindita and Ariadna Garcia-Prado)


Age-dependent Minimum Wages and Health Outcomes: Evidence from the UK (with O.M. Kwame Ansere)


Health Outcomes of Educational Mismatch: Evidence from Italy (with M. Tahir Bhalli)







- Health systems performance: how can we secure robust international comparison? (with P.Smith and N. Rice) Centre for Health Economics Policy Briefing; September 2009


- Malati di precarieta’ (with V.Carrieri and C. DiNovi),, 20 Novembre 2012 (


- Healthy Comparisons: How should users’ views of the performance of health systems be compared across countries? (with P. Smith and N. Rice) Britain in 2013, ESRC; November 2012


- Programmi di screening: se le cattive notizie aiutano (with M. Bertoni and L. Corazzini),, 2 Febbraio 2018 (

