Silvana Robone CV mar 22_eng.pdf


Birth date: Novembre 11th, 1976

Citizenship: Italian

Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (basic), French (Basic)


Health Economics, Public Economics, Economic Policy, Applied Micro-econometrics


Jun 2017 - today: Associate Professor, Economics Department, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy

Oct 2005 - today: External Affiliate, Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG), University of York, UK

May 2015 - today:  Non-Resident Affiliate, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University, Italy        

Jun 2017 - today: External Affiliate, Hospinnomics, Paris School of Economics, France 

Jun 2020 - today: External Affiliate, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Jun 2021-today: Affiliate, Centre of Research in Clinical Ethics, Università dell'Insubria, Italy

Jan 2022 - today: Member of the Steering Board and Scientific Committee, CRIS - Centro di Ricerca sull’Invecchiamento di Successo, Università dell’Insubria, Italy             



Oct 2014 – May 2017: Assistant Professor in Economic Policy (Secs P/02) Department of Economics, University of Insubria, Italy

Jun 2015 – Jun 2017: External Affiliate, ESOMAS, School of Economics and Management, University of Turin

Apr 2012 – Sept 2014: Assistant Professor (RTD A), Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Nov 2006 – Mar 2012: Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) University of York, UK

Jan – Dec 2003: Research Assistant, ECONPUBBLICA, Centre for Research on the Public Sector, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Jul – Sep 2001: Research Assistant, Research Department, UNCTAD, UN, Geneva, Switzerland


Jun 2017: Hospinnomics, Paris School of Economics, Paris 

Jan 2016, Jul 2016 Sept 2016, Sept 2017: Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK

May 2007: World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland



Mar 2008: PhD in Economics, University of York and University of Bologna, York and Bologna, Uk and Italy.

Dec 2002: Master in Economics and Management of Public Utilities, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, Defence passed with honours

Jun 2001: Master in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Apr 2000: Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, Defence passed with honours



Award of the National Scientific Qualification to function as Full Professor in Italian Universities in the scientific sectors 13/A2 (Politica Economica) and 13/A3 (Scienza delle Finanze) in 2018 respectively.

Sept 2020:  Farmafactoring award, Italian Association of Health Economics (AIES) to the best paper in Health Economics written by Italian authors and published on international journals in 2019

Apr 2015:  Award (and financial support) by the European Public Choice Society to the best paper presented at the European Conference, University of Groningen, Holland

Dec 2005 – Dec 2006:  Marco Polo Scholarship, University of Bologna

Mar 2004: Award by the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) for the best paper presented by a young economist at the 2003 AIES Conference

Jan 2004 – Dec 2006: Scholarship by the Italian Ministry of Public Education for the PhD Program, University of Bologna

Jan 2002 – Dec 2002: Scholarship by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas

Jul – Sep 2001: ISU Scholarship for the UN Internship Program of Bocconi University

Sep 2000 – Jun 2001: Fondazione Invernizzi Scholarship for the Master Program in Economics, Bocconi University

Jan 2001: Gold medal for outstanding academic achievements awarded by Bocconi University



2019-2021: Fondazione Cariplo “Health, Accesibility, Public Transport Policies for Elderly”, total grant: 200,000 € (application supporter and team member)

2015-2019: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund “Evaluation of Health Care system Responsiveness”, total grant: 36,000 € (Co-Principal-investigator)

2015-2017: University of Insubria International Mobility Grant “Health Shocks and Financial Risk Preferences”, total grant: 3,500 € (Principal-investigator)



Citations (tot. #858; since 2017 #482), H-index: 14 (google scholar), i10-index: 18 (google scholar)



U. La Sapienza (Rome 2021), U. York, HEDG (2021), Joint Research Centre EC (Ispra 2021), U. Navarra (Pamplona 2020), U. Cattolica (Milan 2020), U. Pavia (2019), U. Kent (Canterbury 2019), U. Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh 2018), U. Bocconi, CERGAS (2018), Paris School of Economics (2017), U. Granada (2017), AES (Granada, 2015), U. Pavia (2014), U. Padua, Bomopav (2014), U. York, HEDG (2014), IMT (Lucca 2013), U. Salento (Lecce 2013), U. CaFoscari, Bomopav (2013), ASSR (Bologna 2012), U. York, White Rose (2012), U. Bocconi, CERGAS (2010), U. Svizzera Italiana (Lugano 2010), U. Leeds (2010), Brunel University (London 2009), Irdes Institute (Paris 2009), U. Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona 2009), U. Erasmus (Rotterdam 2009), WHO (Geneva 2009), U. Cattolica (Milan 2009), U. York, DERS (2006).



2021 AIES (Milan), 2021 SIE (Bari), 2021 APHEC Workshop (Genoa), 2021 COMET Conference (Como), 2021 HESG (London), 2019 SIEP (Turin), 2019 AES Spain (Albaceite), 2019 SIEDS (Ascoli), 2018 SIEP (Padua), 2018 EHEW (Bergamo), 2018 EUhEA (Maastricht), 2018 IIBEO Workshop (Alghero), 2017 AIES (Pavia), 2017 EUhea Ph.D Conference (Lausanne), 2017 IHEA (Boston), 2016 AIES (Bologna), 2016 SIE (Milan), 2016 EUhEA (Hamburg), 2015 AIES (Algero), 2015 SIEP (Ferrara), 2015 IHEA (Milan), 2015 EPCS (Groningen), 2015 HESG (Leeds), 2014 AIES (Venice), 2014 SIEP (Pavia), 2014 IHEA/ECHE (Dublin), 2013 SIS (Brescia), 2012 SIEP (Pavia), 2012 SHARE Users Conference (Venice), 2011 AIES (Naples), 2010 AIES (Turin), 2010 ECHE (Helsinki), 2009 XVIII EWEHE (Cagliari), 2009 IHEA (Beijing), 2009 Young Statisticians' Meeting (Glasgow), 2009 HESG (Manchester), 2008 SIEP (Pavia), 2008 ECHE (Rome), 2008 HESG (Norwich), 2007 IHEA (Copenhagen), 2007 ESRC Project (York), 2006 HESG (York), 2005 IHEA (Barcelona), 2004 ECHE (London), 2003 AIES (Rome), 2003 SIEP (Pavia)



Referee for

Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Economic Letters, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Social Science and Medicine, PlosONE, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Regional Studies, Journal of Economic Psychology, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Health Policy, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, European Journal of Health Economics, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Social Science Research, BMC Health Services Research, The Italian Journal of Public Economics, Health Economics Policy and Law, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics, Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica.

Scientific Committee: International Health Economics Association Conference (2011, 2012), European Health Economics (2016, 2018 and 2022), FarmaFactoring Prize, Member of the Scientific Board of the Italian Society of Economics, Demography and Statistics (jul 2017-today)

Vice-Director of the BA program in Economics and Management (Corso di Laurea in Economia and Management) and member of the Board for undergraduate teaching quality (May 2020-today), University of Insubria

Organizer of the Departmental Seminars at the Department of Economics, University of Insubria (Oct 2016-today)

Member of the Board for Internships, University of Insubria (Sept 2018-Feb 2022)

Member of the Board of the PhD Program in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions, University of Insubria (2016-today) (and board for admission to the PhD in 2017 and 2018)

PhD students Supervision (University of Insubria):  Maria Vasyakina (2017-2020), Solomon Kibret (2017-2020), Angel Fernandez Perez (2017-2021), Anindita Arif (2021-today)

External reviewer of PhD Dissertations: Valeria Zurru (University of Cagliari), Sarah Zaccagni (University of Turin), Irene Torrini (University of Milan-Bicocca), Francesca Cassanelli (University of Bologna) and Michela Collaro (University of Naples Federico II).



Sep 2002 – Sep 2004: Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas, Milan, Italy, Analyst - Electricity Area, Tariff Division

Jun – Sep 2000: International Facility Management Association, Milan, Italy, Market Analyst



BA Level

University of Insubria: Microeconomics (spring 2017, 2018, 2019),Macroeconomics (fall 2020, 2021), Economic Policy (fall and spring 2016-today), (supervision of 37 BA theses since 2017)

Bocconi University: Public Economics (spring 2016, 2017), (supervision of 3 BA theses)

Master Level

University of Insubria: Economics of Innovation (fall 2015, 2016)

University of Bologna: Health in Developing Countries (fall 2013, 2014, 2015), Principle of Public Economics (fall 2013)

Ph.D Level

University of York: HEDG Course in “Applied Health Econometrics (spring 2006, 2009, 2010, 2013)

University of Insubria: PhD in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions, Applied Health Economics (Spring 2016 – today)

University of Bergamo: Summer School in Applied Health Econometrics and Health Policy (2019, 2020)