
Here are some tools and resources that were new to us as while we were researching. Hope you are able to find them helpful and that they serve as a basis for the start of your exploration!

CAST UDL Exchange

This is an online community that you can join and then browse or build and share your own UDL resources, lessons and connections. It's free to join and will also help you increase your professional learning network (PLN)!

Edutechupdate and UDL:

A great splash page with a pinterest design type feel to it. A great place to stop to get ideas.


InfinityReader is an optical character recognition software to help make math and science subjects accessible to more learners by recognizing the math in images and automatically converting it to LaTex file (amongst other things) in order to be embedded in a lab or math assignment. The program is free to download and the website provides free video tutorials to help learn how to effectively use the software.

SPEAKall! Communication App

SPEAKall! is an app for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention with nonverbal individuals with autism. It is a free app that is available on the Ipad platform.

UDL Toolkit

This website is great for providing background knowledge on UDL. It also is a one stop shop with collections of tools, resources and lesson builders to help implement UDL concepts directly in the classroom.