Video Resources

This is just a playlist of different videos exploring issues of representation in film. These videos can be long, but are very informative, almost like a small podcast! The Take and Be Kind Rewind are great sources for in depth analysis videos about film, would highly recommend!

The #OscarsSoWhite an Analysis on WOC Actresses

This video focuses on Black Actresses, and spotlights Halle Berry, the only woman of color to win a Best Actress award in 2002.

  • 1:38-3:20 Why roles for Black Actresses were limited

  • 3:21-4:23 The "Mammy" trope and Hattie McDaniel's win (the first Black Winner of an Oscar)

  • 4:24-5:26 What has happened to actresses who refuse to play the "Mammy trope" and other stereotypes

  • 5:27-6:18 Despite studios being more open to Black performers, progress was still slow

  • 6:20-7:10 History of Black Actress nominations

  • 7:11-8:25 Jesse Jackson and calls for more representation

  • 8:26-12:44 Halle Berry's Career leading up to her historic win

  • 12:45-14:03 Why the media didn't discuss race in connection to her potential win

  • 14:31-16:28 Her win and the lost conversation surrounding race

  • 16:29-17:40 Systemic problems for actresses of color

  • 17:41-18:23 Conclusion and #OscarsSoWhite movement

2:15-2:58 What awards are considered Oscar worthy?

3:09-4:48 Madame Butterfly/Geisha Girl/Dragon Lady stereotypes putting Asian women in submissive to sexual and violent erotisized roles.

4:29-7:24 Yellowface and asian roles given to white women in history

7:34-8:33 The "unbankability" of Asian actors

9:47-11:42 The historical ideas of "otherness" in regards to Asians

12:27-15:10 Asian-American Identity and how its perceived

15:11-17:33 Oscars and the lack of Asian actors/actress recognition

18:16-20:29 A hope for better representation

This video primarily focuses on East Asian women, leaving up the discussion of different Asian women (Southeast Asians, Indians, etc for another video).