An analysis of the visible and invisible in today's media

Christa Matundan


By critically reflecting upon different medias, we can better understand the issues of representation within our culture and what voices get to rise to the top while others are silenced. Media is defined by its ability to garner an audience, from YouTube to film and television. This project aims to look at how representation or lack thereof is rewarded through the lens of the Oscars, considered one of the most prestigious awards in Hollywood for film.

Why is representation important?

When we see ourselves on screen, our stories being told, we as an audience and consumer feel like our existence is validated, that our stories matter. We get fictional characters that look like us do things that we want to do, be like and act like. Biopics about people of color and black people can inform us of our past, our history and tell us that we can change the world. Movies and the people who star in and make them inform us about the cultural society and world we live in- so the lack of representation and equity in this industry can cause us to internalize feelings about ourselves and others. And it is not just being represented- its also how we are represented- what stereotypes are harmful to our communities? what roles are inspiring, feel well rounded and complex?

Project Goals and Questions


Because the Oscars have multiple categories, this study is limited to the:

  • Best Actress/Actor

  • Supporting Actor/Actress

  • Best Picture

  • Best Director

four of the most popular awards that are sought after.

We will be looking at the winners of these awards from the last five years, from 2015 to the latest 2020 awards, as well as stereotypes of what roles that Black and POC do get nominated for.

Systemic Questions

  • What roles are and are not available for Black and POC to portray? Are roles they are given dictated by race?

  • Who is on the voting committee for the Oscars?

  • Have there been any historical, social or otherwise systematic barriers that have limited the potential of POC and Black performers and creators to get this critical recognition?

Reflection Questions

  • What are your favorite type of movies? Why?

  • How many POC/Black actors and directors can you name compared to white actors and directors?

  • Do the movies you support reflect diversity of identities? How?

  • How has representation or lack thereof affected you?

Art Questions

  • What are some of your favorite movie posters? Why?

  • What elements or principles of design can be used to create an effective movie poster?

  • How do movie posters help sell the movie or portray the plot?