Project Steps

Alternative UK poster for Parasite by Andrew Bannister.

Some free digital editing programs:



Final Project

Your final project is to create a film poster that is based around your personal diverse identities and story, or your community. The genre is up to you- a personal narrative, documentary, romance, comedy, historical animation- whatever inspires you. You can use digital programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator and you are always welcome to use traditional materials as well. Along with this poster, you will write a synopsis or brief summary which serves as your artist statement- where you can go in depth about the plot, characters, inspiration, etc. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How can we as an audience, and aspiring artists, create work that is more inclusive and diverse?

  • Representation is not just in body count- think about how your characters are being portrayed, the story, what music you use, the setting.

  • Think about you intersecting identities- if you have privilege, how does your film give a voice to those without? Sex, race, immigration status, gender identity, social class, sexual orientation, religion, having a disability-mental or physical are just some examples of identities that are apart of you.

Films to Watch or Posters to See

A Character or Ensemble Poster either features a singular character, or the entire cast of a film.

A teaser poster hints to what is going to happen in the film, but is what its named for- a tease, so showing minimal information but enough to get the viewer interested.

Poster Elements:

  • Title

  • Catchphrase/Slogan

  • Release Date/Teaser

  • Sometimes a review or an award recognition

  • Elements that allude to the plot of the film

  • Director/Studio/Cast Names