Zine Club #1 Wrap Up

ZINE CLUB #1 - Fall 2022

Our first ever Zine Club, an after-school program led by yours truly, was so much fun! Zines (pronounced zeens), which are DIY publications resembling small handmade books or self-published magazines, took center stage.

The beauty of zines lies in their limitless possibilities for self-expression and creativity. With no set rules, we dove into making zines of all shapes, sizes, and topics. And we made lots and lots of them. We even ventured into uncharted territory by colllaborating and producing our very own school newspaper zine, Shorts! We learned how much work it takes to create a newspaper, and hope we can do more of these next year.

To culminate our Zine Club, we hosted a mini zinefest. This special event allowed the kids to trade their unique creations with one another, fostering a sense of community and expanding their personal zine collections.

I am hoping Zine Club will return in Spring, and will be open to 3nd - 5th graders. Keep an eye out for more details as we embark on another creative journey together!