
Risk-Takers approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. 

Picture books and videos we love that highlight Being A Risk-Taker

Read Alouds Online

The Thing Lou Couldn't Do by Ashley Spires

The Tunnel by Anthony Browne

Emmanuel's Dream by Laurie Ann Thompson

Parachute by Danny Barker

Watch as Sky Brown, the 12-year-old Olympic skateboarding hopeful takes on the mega ramp with help from proskateboarders Tony Hawk and Elliot Sloan. Sky’s talent on a skateboard made this jump almost look easy, but even she had to drum up the courage to go for it

Sky Brown is just so much fun to watch. Here is another video of her at age 11 along with her younger brother Ocean. 

"A cautious eight-year-old Lila struggles to find her balance while riding her bicycle in this endearing, brightly-colored animation about family love and support."

If You Fall is a story about taking risks and giving scary tasks a try. It was written and directed by Vancouver-based animation designer Tisha Deb Pillai

Watch the story of Harriet Tubman and her breathtaking courage in this introductory animation from TED-Ed. 

"Escaping slavery; risking everything to save her family; leading a military raid; championing the cause of women’s suffrage; these are just a handful of the accomplishments of one of America’s most courageous heroes. Janell Hobson details Harriet Tubman's many fights for freedom. 

Take a closer look at the life of escaped slave and American icon Harriet Tubman, who liberated over 700 enslaved people using the Underground Railroad."