
Engage in the community / catigory you are looking to stream in before you start streaming. 


Seldomly people will raid someone they don't know. Make yourself known, and you'll see people slowly trickle in and watch/engage. Also, when possible, always raid out.

Chat Room

Be open to everyone: do not do follow or subscriber-only unless in a hate raid.


No one follows to get around these walls - they'll go to another content creator. You will not grow in follows, views, or anything. There are other settings where you can prevent bots from spamming your chat room (account age, follower for so long, etc.)

Account Security

Streaming account should always have 2FA (two-factor-authentication)


People WILL try to get into your account, especially if monetized. People WILL try to get your personal information (banking, location, name, social security numbers, birthday, anniversary, family relations, etc) and can very well use that to SWAT you, Doxx you, or do other nefarious activities. You want to protect yourself. Also, use a very long password (12+ characters)


Figure out a schedule and STICK. WITH. IT.


When content is released irregularly, no one knows when to go looking for it, and it may not be available for them based on time zones of the creator and audience. Setting a schedule and keeping to it will let people know when to expect your content/posts, and the anticipation helps.


Not all friends/family make good moderators.


You need people who will keep you accountable, help with bot attacks (yes those are real), help with hate-raids, and the internet trolls. These people need to be able to know the commands and moderator actions available, and know when you want them used. 

For people who are integral to helping you grow, always show up, but aren't quite moderator material: make them VIPs. Many tools and interactions can differentiate between VIPs and regular chatters, affording them a bit more fun, rewarding them for being there for you. 


There is DMCA free music out there such as Pretzel Rocks and No Copyright Sounds.


Music helps set the theme for the stream and community. Music also alleviates "dead air" - times when there is no conversation and no game noises.

Audio / Video

Watch your own VODs/past broadcasts.


It is important to hear and view your stream the way your viewers do. Listening and watching your own videos allows you to adjust settings before your next stream.


Do what you like.


You are the streamer. If you want chat to see your reactions (which many viewers like) and you're not comfortable with a camea, V-tubing is an option, or other avatar like options are available to where it is not your actual face. If you want to use a camera, make sure it's able to focus on your face. There is software out there (and greenscreens) to remove backgrounds so no one has to see the mess in the office. If showing your real face, ensure you have adequite lighting to be seen. O-ring lights and some desk lamps (in specific positions) work well and are relatively cheap.

Chat bots

Use a free bot. There are many out there. Learn whichever one you pick.


Many free bots out there are great for starters: StreamElements and Mix It Up are two great bots, depending on how technically savvy you are. Also, many free bots do more than paid/subscription bots (some companies like to take advantage of new people). Look for a bot group who does donations, and donate to them if you like what they do.

No matter what you pick, learn the bot. Learn the API, learn the integrations, learn the syntax and structure needed to make commands work. This gives you the most flexibility and creativity for your viewers and for you. (Yes, this also pertains to using AI chat bots and traditional chat bots)


Read your twitch chat messages aloud, then reply.


This validates your viewer's message and their investment (time) into your content. Also validates they are not being ignored. This is a balance between what you want on your VODs/clips and not later.

Social Links

First two links should be social media and a way to contact you.


For Twitch, the first two social links show on your banner near the top of the page, the rest are lower down in the full list. The easier it is for others to contact you and see what you do while not streaming adds (or subtracts) from your impression to others. Good links to put in: email, discord/Guilded, Instagram, TikTok, Tip/Donations, and/or Merch store. These links are not only for others to contact you, but for your viewers to have quick access to resources, and links for new viewers to follow.

For YouTube, your social links need to be in your About, as this will be seen by everyone to your page.

Offline Content

Look at clips, publish clips, use the Featured Clips (Twitch) for the ones you like the most.


When people are looking for streamers to watch, clips and VODs are the first thing people see. Leave a good impression.

Other Social Media platforms

At the bare minimum of one social media hub such as: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter/X, or Mastodon.


Twitch has poor discovery, and YouTube you're playing by algorithm/AI discoverability. Going other places, engaging in other communities, and announcing there where and when you're going live will help your followers know. Also be aware that some people are only on Guilded or Discord, and do not have other social media accounts, reaching them is by word of mouth of others.

Pitch Deck

When you got a reputation going on, or been streaming a while, this is your streaming business card.


Contains statistics on viewership, follows, hours watched, category ranking, peak viewers, partnerships (that you can disclose), etc., regarding your streams/videos and your community. Needs to contain all contact information (Discord, Guilded, email, twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) with embedded links. Generally a good idea to keep updated every 3-6mo. Can be 1 slide/image or multiple.


For future-you.


Save yourself time to find out what kind of a community you are building, and the people in it. Then start to make things your people will enjoy or find entertaining. Can also do merchandise for charity events when grown up some, but not when first starting. A good idea is to look at market trends on what people are buying, and design based on the research.