Leo's Fatal FAQ

What happened that March day, and afterwards.

Who was Leo?

Leo_McTwiggy was Eralm’s husband of 14 years.

They met in Pensacola, Florida (USA) while there for training at the US Navy’s Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (when it was there). Their journey together ended in Arkansas. He was a father to his and Eralm's Daughter, and a proud Arkansan. 

Leo was an anti-social, social person who started on Youtube, making content over the games he enjoyed, with little quality of life things he found in them, and sharing them with others. He later streamed on Twitch at the urging of Eralm, but YouTube was his joy. 

Leo liked making others laugh, giving them a smile and helping their day not be as bad as it was. 

What happened?

In March 2023, while returning home from work, an incident occurred where Emergency services were called and the decision was made for a life-flight helicopter. Leo was found having a seizure and unresponsive. Leo was taken to Little Rock, AR for emergency care. After emergency neurosurgery, Leo was as stable as could be. All other scans, tests, and imaging showed no other injuries or infections.

The first week of care, the community of Elite: Dangerous smashed all previous charity records with fundraising to help pay for Leo’s pending medical and transport bills through “Operation Help Eralm & Leo”. Over the next few weeks, Leo was weaned off of sedation, and continued to show no reply to response or verbal commands, so a MRI was done. The results were grim: diagnosis of a grade 3 diffuse axonal injury (DAI), 1/4 of the brain with no blood flow, brain stem displaced, major strokes on critical portions within the brain including loss of all cross-cortex ability.

With the prospect of recovery with either severe disabilities (no motor skill, no language processing, no speech ability, no ability to understand pain or discomfort) or be in a coma for the rest of life… the family made the decision to let Leo go, ultimately succumbing to the Traumatic Brain Injury.

Lessons Learned

In picking up the pieces, a long detailed (itemized) list of things learned has arose. Here are Eralm's notes: 

📜 What is in, and where, is your living will? Is it current?

💻 Internet/Social media contacts: who, where, and how.

💻  Work contacts: boss/co-workers/emergency contact lines

💻 How to unlock your phone/computer/etc.

💻 What projects are being worked on? With who?

💻 Who needs notified? (online communities)

💻 Where is your 2FA? Is it set up? Is it a pin-number, facial recognition, or fingerprint?

💻 (US people) What are your insurance policy numbers and contacts?

💸 Disability/Compensation/Stipends/Retirements/pensions/etc. What accounts do to they go in? Who needs to be contacted in the event of deaths?

💸 How do bills get paid? (due dates, amounts, logins)

💸 Life insurance policies, numbers, company, values, point of contact

💸 Add partner on your bills/utilities even if they don't do anything

💸 Loans, payments, and outstanding debts (credit cards, car loans, house loans, etc)

💸 Safe deposit boxes/safes/secured locations and accessibility

⚕️ Medical procedures you're ok with (blood donations/amputations/implants, etc)

⚕️ Resuscitation efforts? Yes/No/Condition-pendant?

⚕️ Organ/Tissue donations after death (ok or not ok?)

⚕️ Medical procedures/allergies/special conditions

⚕️ Where are your medical files located?

⚕️ Name your physician and contact number.

🐱 Your pet names, dietary/medical needs, and veterinary points of contact

🐱 What happens to your pet if you're single and incapacitated or die?

🧒 (if kids) What is their school number? Doctor's number? Allergies? Special medical/mental needs?

🧒 (if kids) What happens to your children if both of you are incapacitated?

➡️ funeral arrangements: traditional, non-traditional, cremation, cost-dependant?

➡️ comatose/vegetative state care vs expected recoveries/quality of life

➡️ Who do you want to make medical/financial decisions on your behalf?

"Operation Support Eralm & Leo"

Immediately upon hearing the news, the Elite Dangerous community pulled together and coined the phrase: "Aggressively Helpful" for the community and campaign. The week long relay was headed up by CMDR Karhaa, and included new and retired CMDRs, breaking all previous records of:

During this a shirt, beanie, and sticker were produced on the merch store. The items are still up for purchase with proceeds going to Leo's survivors.