
... there are a lot ...

General Information

!bio -> gives a short bio of Eralm

!bday -> Special command for a birthday person

!bdayvideo -> "If it is someone's birthday, it plays a video (if prepared)"

!bot -> Link to Mix It Up website

!commands -> Link to this document

!crayonjoke -> Article explaining the Crayon joke with US Marines

!debt -> Eralm's debt counter to Yerisan

!discord -> Shooting Leaf discord channel join link

!er -> information on Eralm's Renegades

!ez  -> Video on how easy it is to make money in AX finance Friday

!fix -> submission for a bug or error on stream that needs fixed

!idea -> "submission for an idea for stream, discord, or whatever"

!merch  -> Link to the merch store

!mom -> "Give someone the ""mom"" look (+gif)"

!phrasing -> declare that Eralm said something OOC

!pro -> count how many times Eralm has been a pro

!rules -> stream chat rules reminder

!socials -> all social links

!spank -> Spank a person in chat

!transfer -> Frontier about console transfers

!update -> information on the last ED Update

!uptime -> shows how long stream has been going

!watchtime -> shows how long a user has been watching

!weather [location]  -> gives current weather for a location

Elite Dangerous Information

!axi -> Anti-Xeno Discord link

!ax101 -> "Link to ""how to"" videos and ship builds for AX combat"

!burrpit -> "Burrpit Youtube link (game updates ->  player done)"

!edeng -> Engineer unlock tools

!edgroups -> "Links to Op Ida, AXI, Fuel Rats, CQC, Pilot's Lounge, Hull Seals, New Pilot's Initiative, Vang, and Vans"

!edmc -> Elite Dangerous market connector download link

!edrank -> Impire and Federal rank guide links

!edtools -> "Links to Inara, Galnet, EDMC, EDSY, DSSA, and the Fleet Carrier Calculator"

!er -> Eralm's Renegades info

!fuelrats -> Links to all Fuel Rats information/socials

!galnet -> Galnet link (browser)

!goidhub -> Link to goidhub

goidinfo -> Stats on the Interceptors

!ss (!ff) -> Information on Finance Friday / Supplemental Saturday

!opida -> Link to the OpIda website

!pvp101 -> Link to starter videos

!transfer -> Info on FDev's Console transfer

!update -> latest Elite Dangerous information

!warfaq -> Google Doc on some basic information on the Thargoid War

!where2goid -> "During FF/SS event, this shows where and how to join"

Sounds and Effects

!abc ->  You. Marine. Gun. Kill."

!adapted ->  Star Trek: Captain, they've adapted"

!armor ->  "Not all of us have fancy ass armor"

!aw ->  “awwwww"

!badguys ->  “Time to be bad guys"

!beer ->  "If you're going to the fridge, bring me a beer."

!better ->  “You need to be doing it better and cleaner"

!blackink ->  "So this explains all the black ink in your file"

!bleed ->  "I bleed more than that"

!butts ->  "aim for their asses"

!buzz ->  Price is Right,Wrong answer buzzer

!came ->  We're glad you came"

!cow  effects,a cow mooing

!dad ->  "Don't make me take off my belt"

!darkness ->  Hello darkness my old friend"

!dishonor ->  “Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow"

!drinkdink ->  "dink dink, dink, dink, dink"

!enemy ->  "Those aren't friendly"

!file ->  "Your file mentioned this"

!finebattle ->  "What a fine battle don't you think?”

!focus ->  "You need to stay focused"

!focus2 ->  Your focus needs more focus"

!fun ->  "Now that was fun"

!gall ->  I admire gall"

!games ->  “Let the games begin"

!grenades ->  "grenades are like ram, can never have too much."

!gutter ->  gutter sound effect

!hiding ->  "You're hiding, how adorable."

!horn ->  a horn sounding

!huh ->  “I do not understand the question"

!human ->  "We're all human. We make mistakes."

!hymn ->  a hymn / holy noise

!idiot ->  “don't want to be a federal idiot"

!keepshooting ->  "Keep shooting amigos"

!killall ->  "Kill them all"

!killboth ->  “I'm going to kill both of you"

!lifeform ->  Star Trek, Data's lifeform song snippet

!loop ->  "We can't stop, we got to slow down first!"

!magic ->  Witcher 3: hocus pocus”!master  group: yes master"" variety"

!meat ->  "Looks like meat is back on the menu boys"

!mi ->  music theme

!myself ->  "I will kill it myself"

!name  Parody: “You give pilots a bad name"

!no ->  no"

!no2 ->  "Master Chief: ""No."

!noise ->  “Could we possibly make any more noise?”

!notfall ->  “I will not fail you”

!notright ->  “oh that's not right”

!po ->  “Who pissed them off?”

!poop ->  “Yea, I pooped my pants”

!returns ->  “give me my bullets back”

!risky ->  “we prefer to go with bizzare and risky”

!schwartz -> I see your swartz is as large as mine”

!shame -> Top Gun: a good pilot is compelled to always learn from their mistakes”

!shields -> Star Trek: Shields up, go to red alert”

!ship -> Star Trek: Get off my ship”

!shoreleave -> are you enjoying your shore leave?”

!shutupwes  Star Trek: Shut up wesley!”

!smart -> And how is that smart?”

!soon -> And when will then be now?”

!suckup -> I always liked you”

!troopers  Starship Troopers: It's a good day to die”

!twisted -> I hate it when I get my scwartz twisted”

!utini -> Star Wars,"Jawa talk ""Utini”

!valhalla -> God of War: Valhalla! Valhalla"" boss taunt"

!warning -> My father warned me about you”

!weapon -> I need a weapon”

!whip -> NA,whip sound

!whine !wine Yes, Wine being poured with sad violin music

!whoops -> that was no accident”

!wrong -> Apollo 13: A lot of things went wrong”

!wrongway -> You've shown us how not to do it”

!yea -> Hell yea!”

!yet -> Madagascar: How long is this going to take?!”

!zero -> Kung Fu Panda: We now have a level zero”

Other Toys

!hail -> Batman,Hail Hydra signal

!ferengi -> Star Trek: DSN,random item from the Frengi Rules of Aquisition

!love -> -,LCPL_Eldari will announce how much love is between two people

!lurk -> -,say you're not going to be active in chat

!m2 -> USMC,throw a lot of crayons to a person

!mom,-,yes,Life,"Target someone (or no one) to get the ""mom"" look"

!nut -> ,Target someone to nut

!phrasing -> Life,Call Eralm out for something Out Of Context (OOC)

!onlyfans,-,yes,Joke,test and find out?

!scrub -> AX Combat School,Rules of AX combat (randomly pulled from list)

!slap,yes,-,Life,Target someone to slap

!random -> Life,Picks a random command to do

!skippy -> Skippy's List,Random item from Skippy's List

!spank,yes,-,Life,Spank someone randomly

!target -> USMC,target a crayon toss

!toss -> USMC,toss a crayon to someone

!toss -> USMC,toss a crayon to a person

!unlurk -> -,say you have returned to chat


!cat -> Count it when Spirit the cat shows up

!cat -> Cat has graced us again for ... how many times?

!glaive -> Counts number of glaves seen for the day

!hail -> Seen a hydra on stream? Count it.

!heart -> Counts how many hearts have been taken during a fight

!pastor -> When Eralm says something that would make a pastor blush

!rip -> Plays a random video upon death

!sorry -> Eralm's bad habit: saying sorry

!squirrel -> Count how many times Eralm has squirreled off topic again

!swear  -> swear counter+Sounds

!yawn -> Counts times Eralm has yawned on any stream


!clip -> have twitch make a clip

!soup -> Video of chicken noodle soup

!ban [username] -> joke,"tease someone with a "ban"


!alarm -> ED:O, Settlement alarm

!classified -> Top Gun, ”It's classified”

!dishonor -> Mulan, ”Dishonor on you,  dishonor on your cow”

!fail -> Star Wars, "Yoda: “This is why you fail”

!forever -> Mulan, "Grandma: “Would you like to stay forever?”

!ganker  -> Twitch, "EP: “Gankers don't get snacks”

!gimli -> Lord of the Rings, "Gimli: “small chance of success,  high chance of death? What are we waiting for?”

!goid -> ED:O, Plays a thargoid noise

!insult -> joke, throw a random insult out

!loser -> Price is Right, Price is Right losing sound

!matingcall -> Twitch, Thargoid mating call

!matter-> Star Trek, "Q: “you matter to me”

!myfault -> Down Periscope, "Steppanik: “If it's a disqualifying offense...”

!pirates -> Pirates of the Carribean, ”The rules are more like guidelines”

!reality -> Mythbusters, ”I reject your reality and substitute...”

!sarek -> Star Trek, "Sarek: “What is needed is never unwise”

!skittles -> Twitch, give skittles to someone

!t10 -> joke, an advert for a Type 10


!error -> joke,error message goes up on screen

!stupid ->"DoD regrets to inform you..."

!timeout -> Time Eralm out for a few seconds

!nda -> Military,Clear chat and declare all previous messages a part of an NDA