Shoham Sen

About me

I am a material scientist, computational scientist, and mathematician. Together, they describe an engineer. I work in the field of material science with an emphasis on phase transition and multi-scale modeling. I am currently using ideas from continuum thermodynamics to understand phase transitions. I belong to the school of thought that advanced mathematics can be very useful in designing novel materials. 

I did my Ph.D. in Computational Mechanics in the Mechanics, Materials, and Computing group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering under Kaushik Dayal. My Ph.D. was in resolving the non-uniqueness in Polarization, which is the macroscopic behavior of the electronic nature of the material.  I did my first PostDoc at the University of Minnesota in the lab of Richard James. We worked on identifying superconductors that might achieve superconductivity via a first-order phase transition. I am currently doing a second postdoc at the University of Houston with Pradeep Sharma. We are working on a modification of the Ginzburg Landau theory of Superconductivity by M Guritn, which yields novel behavior not predicted by the traditional theory of superconductivity.
