Lab News
Lab Accomplishments
July 2024: Ben Trost won the Society for Freshwater Science Best Undergraduate Presentation Award.
June 2024: Shogren Lab members Ben, Sarah, Zack, Taylor, Jacob, and Michelle presented their work at the Society for Freshwater Science meeting in Philadelphia.
May 2024: Michalle Wolford graduates with her MS. Congrats, Michelle!
May 2024: Michelle won Best Presentation at the Graduate Student Symposium.
May 2024: Ben Trost won a Udall Scholarship to support his work with the Black Warrior Riverkeeper.
March 2024: Taylor joined the 2024 SFS Emerge cohort. Congrats!
December 2023: Stella Wilson graduates with her MS. Congrats, Stella!
September 2023: The Shogren Lab is growing! Check out the contact tab for opportunities to join the lab.
August 2023: Harlan, Alexa, Katie, and John join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome y'all!
June 2023: Arial & Michelle presented at the Gordon Research Conference Catchment Science Symposium!
May 2023: Jacob joins the lab to work on the StreamClimes project! Welcome, Jacob!
May 2023: Ben won a Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award! Congrats, Ben!
May 2023: Stella won an Outstanding Teaching Award from the department. Congrats, Stella!
March 2023: Stella joined the 2023 SFS Emerge cohort. Congrats!
January 2023: Taylor joins the lab to work on a competition experiment at the Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center. Welcome, Taylor!
October 2022: Stella won the BSC Homecoming Tent Activity competition. Way to go, Stella!
August 2022: Michelle joins the lab as a MS student. Welcome, Michelle!
June 2022: The renovations on the Shogren Lab were completed, and the IC was installed!
May 2022: Zack & Stella present their research at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) in Grand Rapids Michigan.
March 2022: Zack & Stella are accepted into the 2022 SFS Emerge cohort. Congrats!
May-July 2022: Ben joins the lab as an REU student on the ConFines project.
January 2022: Amelia Grose (RIOS) visits the lab to run Arctic samples. Welcome Amelia!
December 2021: Dr. Shogren presents an invited poster at AGU in New Orleans.
September 20221: Ben Trost joins the lab as an undergrad researcher. Welcome, Ben!
August 2021: Zack & Stella start in the Shogren Lab! Welcome, Zack & Stella!