Local Baha'i Calendar of Events

July 2024

Ayyám-i-Há  -  a celebratory period of 4 or 5 days that display love, fellowship, unity, service, good-will, and charity.  These days precede the annual Baha'i Fast, and occur at the end of February.  The Days of Ayyám-i-Há  are also called Intercalary Days, because these days are inserted in the Baha'i Calendar of 19 months, (each with 19 days) to make the calendar solar-based.  The name, Ayyám-i-Há, means "Days of H", where H is a symbol for the essence of God, and where the Arabic Letter, Ha, coincides with 5 as the maximum number of days of the Ayyám-i-Há celebration.

A Day of the Baha'i Calendar - A day on the Baha'i Calendar begins at sunset and ends with the next sunset for the populated latitudes.  At extreme latitudes the day is based on a clock for that time zone.

Baha'i Calendar Events and Holy Days

Feast - the nineteen Feast Days on the Baha'i Calendar are times that Baha'is gather as a community to worship God together through prayers, music, and recitation of the Divine Verses, which may include other languages and other Religion's Scriptures.  It also involves community consultation and discussions and social fellowship and spiritual bonding.

Naw-Rúz - the first day of the new year of the Baha'i Calendar, occurring at the Spring Equinox for the northern Hemisphere.  Naw-Rúz literally means New Day in the Farsi Language and has been an ancient cultural festival.   It is also the first day following the end of the annual 19-day Fast.  It is a time of gatherings for celebration, dinner parties and music occurring all over the world!

Riḍván  -  A 12-day period of joy, commemorating the time in 1863 that Baháʼu'lláh spent while in Baghdad in preparation for further exile that would eventually take Him to a prison in Ottoman Empire territory, which today is northern Israel.  During these 12 days, Baháʼu'lláh described His experience while imprisoned in a dungeon-jail in Tehran of receiving a powerful Revelation from God that offered to cause great changes to the world and fulfilled the promises of continuation in the older religions.  Annually at Riḍván, local Baha'i Elections are held for administrative responsibilities.  Even though the letter "d" is seen in the word, Riḍván,  the dot under the letter, "d" indicates its pronunciation as the sound of "z".   Say: "Rizvan".   It is Arabic for "paradise".