What We Believe

We believe:

  • God is one. There is only ONE God. Everyone in the world was created by the same one God, to whom everyone prays in whatever language is used: God, Dios, Yahweh, Allah, Gott, Dieu, Bhagavaan, Duw, Khoda, Nyame, Mungu, Jehovah, Great Spirit, Ọlọrun, Chúa Trời, Θεός, Бог, and many other names all over this planet.

  • God want us to PRAY. Baha'is believe that prayer is vital for the soul, for during intimate communion with God, we become blessed in our desire to follow His Will, to trust in God, and become inspired to reflect Divine attributes in our behaviors and attitudes through virtues. To a follower of the Baha'i Faith, prayer is like spiritual food for the soul. Baha'is are prescribed daily obligatory prayers, and feel uplifted with multitudes of beautiful, poetic, inspiring prayers for every situation faced in the human experience.

  • Human beings have SOULS that we must strive to nurture and develop. The Baha'i Scriptures teach that human beings are both spiritual and material in nature, and that our souls need spiritual development during this earthly phase. Much of Baha'i Life is devoted to this purpose. By cultivating the divine virtues, reflecting the image of God, our souls become saved, and better prepared and equipped through the next worlds (or after-life) on its eternal journey to become closer to God. Heaven is closeness to God. Hell is remoteness from God.

  • Mankind is one. Baha'is are taught by the Baha'i Faith's scriptures and writings, that all of mankind is one human family. Acceptance of the Baha'i principle of the "oneness of humanity" demands that ALL prejudice—whether racial, religious, nationality, class, or gender-related—must be totally eliminated. Racism and prejudices due to ethnicity, nationality, skin hues, heritage, native language, religious beliefs, class, etc, are against God's commandments in Baha'i Scriptures.

  • Humanity is evolving. God's Kingdom on Earth cannot be established until there is global unity and all discriminatory prejudices and barriers of division are overcome and eliminated. The history of humankind and the history of religions as they emerge from age to age demonstrate a steady and parallel growth toward the unity of all mankind. Humanity as a whole has reached its adolescence and is now experiencing the pangs of conflicts caused by its attachment to its past versus its desire to move forward. Baha'i Teachings contain the detailed elements of how to establish this peaceful and righteous age that all yearn for.

  • Diversity and Unity benefit everyone. When we view diversity, not as a problem, but as an opportunity, when we see minority groups not as "other" groups, but rather as valued equals, then we can begin to see true power-sharing and start to harness the inclusive power of a diverse, many-faceted problem-solving approach. The Baha’i teachings view diversity in exactly this way—as a net benefit for all.

  • Equality of Women and Men. Over a century ago, and for the first time in the history of revealed religion, the equality of women and men was proclaimed by a religion: the Baha'i Faith. Baha'u'llah did not leave this pronouncement as an ideal or pious hope but wove it, as a basic factor, into the fabric of His social order. He supported it by laws requiring the same standard of education for women as for men, and equality of rights in society. Equality of the sexes is, for Baha'is, a spiritual and moral standard essential for the unification of humanity and peace in the world. Without the qualities, talents, and skills of both women and men, full economic and social development of the planet becomes impossible. "The world of humanity is possessed of two wings — the male and the female. So long as these two wings are not equivalent in strength the bird will not fly. Until womankind reaches the same degree as man, until she enjoys the same arena of activity, extraordinary attainment for humanity will not be realized; humanity cannot wing its way to heights of real attainment."

  • The major Religions are one. God's love is shown in how humanity, through its entire existence through history, has never been without the Word of God. Ever! God has enabled humankind since the beginning to know of God's love and will, by revealing Himself (in the genderless sense) through Divine Educators that showed the 'way, the truth, and the light' to His creation. These Revelations that bear the names of the different major religions, have occurred in a systematic and periodic process through time. Thus, Baha'is understand that Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, the Babi Faith, and the Baha'i Faith are all connected as a sequence, and are parts of God's on-going Divine Plan.

  • God's Religion is evolving and progressive. No religion of God is a final 'dead-end religion.' As a series of connected Revelations, each of the major world religions builds upon the ones that were revealed at an earlier age, and each promises its continuation with "more to come" upon a Return or another Coming. The divine concept of "Progressive Revelation" is actually found in each religion. Each time God sent His Manifestation to humankind, His guidance addressed the unique conditions of the time, helped humankind through the particular crisis of the time, and yet was expressed in ways that considered the limitations in capacity for the people of that time to understand and accept. Thus, the major Religions appear as different because the needs and capacity of humanity at the time were different. Contradictions & conflicts between the religions have been assumed because of mankind's misunderstandings about what those religions taught, and to which age and place those social principles should be applied. The fundamental spiritual truths regarding love of God and love for our fellow man have always remained the same in all of God's ongoing religion.

More Baha'i Beliefs:

Baha'is believe that promises in the Bible were true and have been kept, as new Revelation was brought in the mid-1800's that radically challenged the ways of the time, and fulfilled the prophesies. Baha'u'llah, as the Promised One in the prophesies, whose name is found in the Bible as the "Glory of God", has changed the course of human history by providing the truths that it is God's Will for there to be race unity, equality of men and women, peace, recognizing the complimentary balance of science and religion, regarding work done in the spirit of service for others as a form of expressing worship of God, universal education, a means for global communication, truth-seeking and consensus-building consultation with diverse view-points, independent investigation of truth without restraints of tradition & habit, and much more.

Summary of some Baha'i Principles:

• The oneness of humanity

• Elimination of all prejudice

Unity in Diversity

• Equality of men & women

• Independent investigation of truth

Continuous progression of religion

• Essential harmony of science & religion

Unique System replacing Clergy

• Education for all

God is One. Religion is One. Mankind is One