
2023-2024 officers

President - Jen Bence

VP of Communications - Amy Harvey

VP of Membership - Stephanie Smart-Percy

Secretary - Shelena Guettermann

Treasurer - Jennifer Volpi

Our goal is to support the school in any way to help facilitate the learning process. We do that by raising funds, providing services to our families & students, organizing committees & volunteers, and hosting events that add to the school community. The PTA works very closely with the school administration to make sure that everything we do benefits the school while maintaining the district mission.

JOIN the 2023-24 pta!

All teachers, parents, and other family members are invited and encouraged to join the Shoal Creek Elementary PTA! Our theme, "Brighter Together," sums up our hopes and goals for our organization. We really are brighter together, joining forces to organize volunteers, assisting the school wherever needed, and helping to create a great school community. There are no time, meeting, or volunteer requirements to join the PTA; we just welcome the support and want you to be as involved as you'd like to be (although we'd certainly love to have you at all of our meetings and events)!


Support PTA

Several simple methods exist for helping Shoal Creek PTA raise funds for school events. They include:


To view the most recently updated bylaws, click here. (Last updated/approved 11-1-23)