Education Plans

Peer Mentor

From my sophomore to senior years at Dominican University, I had the opportunity to serve as a university-wide peer mentor in which I worked with about 15 incoming freshman students to ease the transition from high school to college. By co-facilitating a class with an instructor and meeting with them one-on-one, I had the opportunity to build relationships and collaborate with them throughout their college career. Students reached out to me regarding any assistance they needed help with from help with classes to tips on how to succeed at clinicals. I also connected students to various staff and faculty that could dive deeper when their situation required it. By being a peer mentor for three years, I have learned a great deal about the Dominican community and all the resources they have to offer students.

VP of the Dominican Nursing Student Association (DNSA)

Through DNSA, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the nursing faculty along with the student honors board in hosting events every semester. We also reach out to Dominican alumni and companies looking to hire students as guest speakers in our monthly meetings. 

Service Learning

In my first semester my freshman year, I was enrolled in EC 1000: Service Learning Effective Communications 1 in which I had the opportunity to do service learning at Coleman Elementary School. I worked with a second-grade class and assisted students with their reading, writing, and math skills.

Nursing Peer Mentor 

I joined the Nursing Peer Mentor Program in my sophomore year. This was a great opportunity to meet other students in various cohorts and be a resource for underclassmen. I was able to provide students with information on topics such as nursing school essentials, clinical hospital placements, and any additional resource programs. 

Leadership Host Ambassador 

As a Leadership Host Ambassador, I volunteered at guest speaker events hosted by the Institute of Leadership Studies at Dominican. I greeted patrons attending the lectures, provided assistance with patrons' special needs, maintained order, and ensured adherence to saftey rules.