
Mochitsuki 2021: Hatsumode Virtual Prayers

As we practice physical distance to save lives, the temple continues to find creative ways to be socially engaged. Including with Hatsumode for Mochitsuki 2021.

Hatsumode entails the first visit of the New Year to a shrine or temple to give thanks. Mochitsuki features mochi making that usually occurs just before the New Year so that mochi can be offered to the gods and goddesses.

Typically, at the New Year, people visit temples and shrines to offer their gratitude for the prior year and make wishes for the coming year. If you visit a temple in Japan, you will see many ema (絵馬) votive tablets (as shown in the photo above) of people's wishes hung in the temple courtyard.

This year, we invite you to practice gratitude for 2020 and pray for wishes to come in 2021, virtually. After you send your wishes to the temple, Rev. Kosho Finch will read them during a special prayer for the New Year.

Please send us your prayers:

Thank you for sending your wishes for the near future. We'll be praying for everyone's health and safety in 2021.

If you have any difficulty accessing the form, please send an email to

Mochitsuki 2020: Traveling Buddhism

Sometimes you have to bring Buddhism to communities to discover their interest. Thank you to everyone who visited us at Portland State University for Mochitsuki on Jan. 26, 2020. Please view the gallery for a visual recap.