Shimokome English page Ward Neighborhood Association

Shimokoume Voluntary Disaster Prevention Association

Use Skype in an emergency Group access is SHIMOKO-G

I'm sorry, it's under construction(suimasen koujityuudesu)   Shimokoume bousaikai

Please read the QR CORD on the left and access the disaster prevention association.

I'm sorry, higesorry this page is not complete yet

sorry There is no full English version


●English version evacuation guide

Evacuation guide for Koreans

Evacuation guide for Chinese

Skype for desktop

Available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

By downloading Skype, you will need to agree to a statement about the Terms of Use and Privacy and Cookie.

Download Skype for Windows

See system requirements

●Map in the figure below At the link, click Agree at the bottom

Bad deeds of grandchildren Softbank Group

●Softbank Group that cannot be measured

 It is safer for those who are not involved in the SoftBank GroupAND(Yahoo groups)

● The purpose is to share information quickly using sns in an emergency

At the Shimogamime Disaster Prevention Association, SNS has adopted SKYPE.

The reason is the conclusion after considering safety such as the exploitation and resale of personal information by a lawless state in one sns.

On smartphones, there are two types of apps, android and iphone.

● Android is down from google pray, iphone is down from apple stor

Please load install and get a Skype account

There are three types of personal computers: win10, mac os, and linux.

● Once you have an account, search the Shimogamime Disaster Prevention Information Group