
Masashi Shimizu - Trajectory of Criticism


On the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of Dostoevsky's Birth



2021/09/27 オンライン特別企画 清水正先生による特別講義  更新

2021/09/27 Virtual Exhibition Hall  更新

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2021/09/21 オンラインイベント「清水正先生による特別講義」 開催

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2021/09/05 ドストエフスキーの生誕200周年記念イベント紹介(海外)  更新

2021/09/01 「清水正・批評の軌跡──ドストエフスキー生誕二〇〇周年に寄せて──」開催スタート

2021/08/31 ドストエフスキーの生誕200周年記念イベント紹介(日本国内)  更新

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2021/08/25 ドストエフスキーの生誕200周年記念イベント紹介(海外)  更新

2021/08/20 ドストエフスキーの生誕200周年記念イベント紹介(日本国内)  更新

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2021/06/29 ドストエフスキー文学の聖地を巡る(現代に残る『罪と罰』の舞台) 更新

2021/6/16 会期変更のお知らせ 更新

2021/06/11  清水正の著作を辿る 更新

2021/06/07  清水正の著作を辿る 更新

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会場:日本大学芸術学部 芸術資料館








yamashita.kiyomi@nihon-u.ac.jp ソコロワ山下聖美






日本大学芸術学部文芸学科 主任 ソコロワ山下聖美



 展示では、清水先生の批評の軌跡を明らかにし、無数の言葉の深みに触れていただきます。文学とは? 芸術とは? ものを書くとは? 生きるとは? 神とは? これらの問いに向かって、ときに魂から紡ぎ出され、ときに広大なスケールの理論を伴って生み出される言葉の数々から、清水先生の情熱に満ちたドストエフスキーの授業を思い出す方も多いのではないでしょうか。










- To the journey of "Masashi Shimizu's Universe" in 2021

Professor, Nihon University College of Art

Kiyomi Sokolova-Yamashita

 The year 2021 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Dostoevsky. In this commemorative year, the Department of Arts and Letters is pleased to present the exhibition "Masashi Shimizu: Traces of Criticism on the Occasion of Dostoevsky's 200th Birthday".

 Mr. Masashi Shimizu, a literary critic and former professor of the Department of Arts and Letters, has been writing with Dostoevsky's works for over 50 years. With Dostoevsky at the core, his critique covers a very wide range of subjects, including various modern literature writers such as Kenji Miyazawa and Fumiko Hayashi, manga works, and more recently, youtube programs.

 In this exhibition, we will reveal the trajectory of his criticism and let you experience the depth of his countless words. What is literature? What is art? What is writing? What is life? What is God? Many of you may recall Mr. Shimizu's passionate lessons on Dostoevsky from the many words that are sometimes spun from the soul and sometimes accompanied by theories on a vast scale in response to these questions.

 Thanks to the presence of Professor Shimizu, who taught at the Department of Literature and Arts for a long time, the Department of Literature and Arts and Dostoevsky have become inseparable. Just as the writers of modern Japanese literature were strongly influenced by Russian literature, especially Dostoevsky, the students of the Department of Literature and Arts may consciously or unconsciously feel Dostoevsky and face the issues presented. Dostoevsky's words have stimulated the thoughts of all "thinking youth" over time and across countries.

 For example, how should we interpret the following description in the epilogue of "Crime and Punishment" now?

  The whole world had to be sacrificed to a terrible, unheard-of and unseen epidemic that was moving toward Europe from the depths of Asia. All of humanity, except for a select few, had to perish. The reason for this was the emergence of a new microorganism, the rotifers, which were eating into the human body. This creature, however, was a spirit endowed with reason and will. (Translated by Masao Yonekawa)

 We hope that this exhibition will be a place to think about the problems facing humanity together with Professor Masashi Shimizu and Dostoevsky.

 We are very grateful for the cooperation of the Dostoevsky Memorial Museum of Literature in St. Petersburg, Russia, which has shown great interest in the work of Dr. Masashi Shimizu since the "Dostoevsky Mandala" exhibition in 2018, and has continued to interact with us. Now that it is not easy for us to travel to St. Petersburg, we will be able to experience the atmosphere of the real St. Petersburg.

 The exhibition is also available online, so that visitors can access it at any time, from any place. We are also planning to introduce the bicentennial of his birth in St. Petersburg from time to time, in cooperation with the F.M.Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum.

 In addition, we would like to catalog the entirety of Mr. Shimizu's critical works as a permanent collection and preserve them in paper form for posterity.

 So, please enjoy the "Universe of Masashi Shimizu" at the actual venue, online, and in print, together with the time and space of the 200th anniversary of Dostoevsky's birth.

ドストエフスキー文学記念博物館 所蔵

From the collection of "The F.M.Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum" in Saint-Petersburg



日本大学芸術学部文芸学科 教授 上田薫










Portrait of a Suspended Divider

-Mr. Masashi Shimizu on his critique

Professor, Nihon University College of Art

Kaoru Ueda

There is nothing more difficult than to write about my teacher. Thirty-five years have passed since I knocked on the door of his laboratory in my second year of university. As an unworthy disciple, I am not qualified to talk about his research, but I would like to take this opportunity to write down my thoughts on his criticism. He started with the study of Dostoevsky, and then expanded his field of study to include Kenji Miyazawa, manga, and Fumiko Hayashi. While I was still in school, he wrote a theory on "Crime and Punishment" and then moved on to critique "Evil Spirits," but then he began to discuss Kenji Miyazawa. After Dostoevsky, I moved on to Alan studies, so I cannot talk much about his research after Kenji Miyazawa. However, I understand that he always referred to Dostoevsky, no matter what subject he was discussing, because Dostoevsky was always there in his mind. He is currently publishing "The Complete Works of Masashi Shimizu on Dostoevsky," which includes all of his essays on Kenji and manga, and in short, all of his critiques are on Dostoevsky.

 When I was a student, I was just in the middle of writing "The World of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment," and this book is the same as his first novel, "The Dostoevsky Experience," "Notes of a Suspended Splinter: The Dostoevsky Experience," "Description of the Dostoevsky Experience -Between Insanity and Sanity-", and after the discussion of Dostoevsky's early works (published in Dostoevsky's Rhapsody), it was a monumental full-scale critique that served as an entrance to his subsequent major works. Personally, prior to "The World of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment," "A Multi-Perspective Study of 'The Poor People'" left a strong impression on me, and it was this critique that taught me what it means to read a text accurately. As the title of the book suggests, many of his early critiques were anguished self-questioning discourses of a "halting schismatic. However, in this "Multi-Perspective Study of 'The Poor People,'" he develops a cool-headed reading that is hard to believe was written by a young man of twenty-four at the time. His critiques, not limited to the early ones, have two aspects: "memorandum of a halting schismatic" and criticism of textual absolutism. And, bathing in the never-ending fountain of skepticism of the "halting schismatic," he has elucidated the details of the text with astonishing precision through endless criticism. At the end of "The World of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment," there is a document entitled "The Thirteen Days of Crime and Punishment. In his book, "The World of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment," he writes, "It can be said that Dostoevsky was a writer who aimed for the ultimate monologue (faith) while making full use of polyphonic thinking methods. These words seem to apply to Dostoevsky himself.

 Every creative expression has its own motive for writing, but in the field of criticism, it is not so easy to know the motive for writing. In another part of the book, he writes In another part of the book, he writes: "In the absence of any of this, I still do not stop writing. This may be merely an act of laborious and pointless 'revenge' against the proof of my existence, against the ever-growing and ever-changing world, or against the one who created it. I feel that his words that writing is "proof of existence" and "laborious and meaningless 'revenge'" are still alive in him, more than half a century after he wrote them. I feel that these words are still alive in him more than half a century after he wrote them. The meaning of writing, thinking, and living weighs heavily on me as I get older. I, myself, sometimes feel like I am losing sight of the meaning of suffering and thinking as I traverse the road to death. Nevertheless, there is nothing else that engages me more than thinking. Why do we need literature? I feel the meaning of it deeply in my heart now.

 I have been reading "The Tale of Genji" all this winter. I had long despised and dismissed this amoral story, but now that I am old enough to see the door to my sixties, I have finally come to understand a bit of adult love (laugh). Human beings cannot be fully described with common sense that can be talked about on air or in class. The truth about human beings lies in the foolishness of Genji. He also wrote about "The Tale of Genji," and I can see that his severe criticism is the gaze of love for human beings. The fact that he has been discussing Dostoevsky's Dionysian world from a polyphonic perspective since he was young is not unrelated to this gaze of love. Although he uses such expressions for "laborious and meaningless 'revenge'" and "God," he does not disparage any of the supporting characters in his works, and has created a vast symphony of human comedy, and his view of human beings is essentially gentle. However, he does not despise any of the supporting characters in his works, and has created a vast symphony of human comedy. I often visit temples, and I like Fudo Myoo and Daiwaitokuten, who wield swords, as well as Horsehead Kannon and Aizen Myoo, who are rough in appearance. From the beginning, I was able to take in his poison without being hit by it, but I feel that his strictness has something in common with those gods and Buddha.

 He has discussed the existence of God not only in Dostoevsky's theory. However, he once said that the support of his heart is not Dostoevsky's God but his garden and the nature around Abiko and Teganuma, where he lives. No one can touch the spiritual conviction that resides in the heart of a man who has discussed the faith of Christ and Dostoevsky to such an extent, but the question of the whereabouts of the soul is something that no one can know until the very end. If he had been, say, a devout Christian, I doubt that he would have produced his vast body of criticism. The anguish of the "schismatic" within him, caught between life and death, between faith and unbelief, must have been the source of his criticism. Many humans resolve the sickness of consciousness torn between life and death at some point in their lives. They become accustomed to life, forget about life and death, bury themselves in daily life, and end up at the mercy of sudden illness and death. Rationally divided and turned into a sensor of pleasure, modern people consume things, are consumed as things, and fall into the tools of economy. The days when stories were a constant question of life and death are in the past for many people. Stories have also become a means of economy, a business of entertaining the sensors of pleasure.

 However, stories, and not only stories but all art, are of course not just tools for entertainment and distraction. The other day, I visited a temple in Nara called Kairyu-oji. It was a day before the opening of the eleven-faced Kannon statue, which is said to be a representation of Empress Komyo, but the kitchen was half open and I was able to see the statue. I naturally knelt down in front of the small statue and joined my hands in prayer. The temple's mud walls were crumbling, but I felt this encounter to be the most precious thing of all. I have always had the suspicion that Buddha statues are nothing more than idols if the Buddha does not exist. How much more meaning can a character in a novel have? Everything is a fictional story, nothing more than a creation. It is very easy to say that. In fact, most of today's novels are probably read only once. Such reading is nothing but consuming the story. However, when I was a student, I saw that the paperback books my teachers were reading had doubled in thickness due to the indexes on them, and I learned to read them dozens of times over. Such reading is almost like reading sutras, and the words written in them are absolute sutras.

 There is a faith here that is separate from religion. The text is sacred scripture, and it is held in one's hands as something absolute that cannot be neglected, not even a single word. The text, which is nothing more than a human creation, becomes the golden rule. In the same way, I put aside the existence or non-existence of God and Buddha, and put my hands on the holy images. When I do this, I find myself crying. What those tears are, I have no way of knowing. However, isn't human life supposed to be based on an uncertain path? Still, there is no way to overcome the absurdity of this world except to face it first and confront it. Looking back on his own life around the age of 20, he wrote

One of the reasons for this was that Dostoevsky's literature was established in a place completely apart from the means of redemption. On the one hand, of course, there are those who argue that Dostoevsky intended to literalize the Bible, but in my case, I see in his literature only a Dionysian nature that inevitably rejects univocal definitions. As I saw that faith was only one pole of Dostoevsky's mind, I had to accept the division of his mind. Reading Dostoevsky has always been like confirming the split in his spirit. And if the means to transcend the split were thoroughly deprived, he thought he had no choice but to live a Dionysian existence that affirmed the split as it was. ("The World of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment")

 One of the famous words given by the Kumano Gongen to Ippen Chishin, whom I am studying, is, "Do not discriminate between faith and faithlessness, do not reject purity and impurity, and distribute the tags. These words were given to him by the Gongen, who was troubled by the refusal of a Buddhist priest he met in Kumano to hand out tags. Not everyone has lived their lives based on unshakable conviction. He uses the expression "affirming division as it is," and I believe that there is no other sincere way to face life. Modern rationalists do not have the deep pockets to "affirm division as division. There is no God, no Buddha, no afterlife. All that exists is this reality. But if this is the case, life itself will become thin and unattractive. From the time he began to discuss Kenji Miyazawa, he often included humor in his speeches. When I was a student, he used to talk passionately, but his smiling face has become his signature. However, don't be seduced by the phrase "Dostoevsky Amusement Park," which he has been using since he was much younger. He speaks with a lot of humor, but behind his eyes, he is not smiling even a little. As an old disciple, I can't relax in front of him. As an old disciple, I cannot relax in front of him, because I can hear him saying, "Someone will make a mistake again.




ここは、ドストエフスキーの執筆活動の始まりと終わりの地であるといえ、彼は『分身(Двойник)』や、晩年には、遺作となった『カラマーゾフの兄弟(Братья Карамазовы)』をこの家で書いています。


「ドストエフスキー文学記念館 公式HP」eng.md.spb.ru/



We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the "The F.M.Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum" for their great cooperation in organizing this exhibition.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude.


Information about visiting the Art Museum