Who Am I? 

Get to know me Background Info

My name is Sherelle McDaniel and I'm a high school junior. I'm in the IB career-related path, and I'm very passionate. 

I am a part of the DECA team where I gain and build business skills I'll need for my future. I'm an avid reader, writer, drawer, designer, or in other words, a creator.

I have many goals and aspirations and I know I can achieve them all through hard work and dedication.

These include becoming a top-level UX/UI designer, becoming the owner of my own mental health lounge, having several streams of income all dealing with my many mini passions, and building and maintaining a successful life.

I'm starting this journey right now, and I can't wait.

Short Term Goals

Long Term Goals

My IB Career Pathway and why I chose it

I am in the Business Track.

The reason I chose the business track is because from a young age I've always been fascinated by business and what it entails. And, now that I'm older, I know my life will deal with lots of business, so It's best to start now.

Reflection On My Development

As a senior nearing graduation, I've grown a lot. My journey throughout High School has had its ups and downs, but I can positively say it's all been a net positive. I've been able to accomplish all of my short-term goals and more and am now working towards completing my long-term goals. I've set myself up for success, have gotten accepted into my dream college, and have built the necessary technical and soft skills to soar. I'm proud of myself and my development and I'm so ready to grow even more.