How often does the guild meet? There are two guild meetings each month; one day guild and one evening guild meeting.

Day Guild meets on the 2nd Friday of the month at First Christian Church (right now we all meetings are virtual thru Zoom)

Evening Guild meets on 2nd Wednesday of the month (no location has been needed yet as all meetings are virtual thru Zoom)

Describe a normal meeting agenda. A normal meeting agenda consists of the following:

Welcome and Call to Order

Officer reports

Old Business

New Business

Instructional Presentation or Guest Speaker

Show & Tell

Does the guild ever do different activities for their monthly meeting? Yes, once a year we add a Swap Meet where members bring in anything related to knitting they no longer want.. Items such as yarn, yarn books, yarn accessories, etc. to name a few. We have fashion shows of items we have knitted, potluck luncheon at a guild member's home, field trip to a yarn shop, Christmas potluck at a member's house. These are examples of some of the other activities we do. Of course, right now, none of these are happening because of the pandemic.

If I want to attend a meeting, can I just show up? You sure can. We will welcome you, once we start meeting in person again or online via Zoom. A guild member will introduce you to a few members and help you find a place to sit when we are back to our normal routine.

Do I have to join the day I attend for the first time? No, you do not have to do that. We will ask for your contact information so we can follow up with an email or text message to thank you for attending, If you decide you want to join after attending, you can join when you attend your next session. We also enjoy having guests who are visiting in the area to drop in on meetings. Sometimes they are just curious about the guild or belong to a guild in their hometown. Sometimes guild members bring guests. We welcome all guests.

Is the guild affiliated with a national guild? Yes we are. Local guild membership is paid by the guild for the President and one other officer to access the TKGA website . If you want to learn more about the national guild or desire to become a member, a link is provided at the bottom of each page of the website. Look for the purple TKGA button.

If I join the join the guild and want to knit items for charity, does the guild have any free yarn for me to use? Yes, we do. As a matter of fact, we are given yarn donations on a regular basis for donors. If you would like to donate yarn, please click on the ContactUs button at the bottom of each page to let us know. We are grateful for ALL yarn donations!

Are these two separate guilds? No, some people find the day meetings suitable for them, others like the evening meetings. The evening guild was started to give knitters who are unable to attend during the day an opportunity to join the guild. The first meetings are being held virtually, beginning on September 9, 2020.