Whom to Contact if You Undergone Nursing Home Physical Abuse?

Irrefutably, nursing home abuse cases are growing across the country. Different types of abuse that an individual may be subject to in a nursing home have the common one, physical. It includes a patient or an elderly individual who suffers pain or an injury as a result. It is hard to decide whether to send your loved one to a nursing home is not easy. It is heartbreaking to know if your loved one has undergone such a thing. Fortunately, the attorneys or laws shield your loved one from suffering in silence.

Any nursing staff found guilty of abusing your close one can face criminal charges that are getting prisoned and fines. The abuse happened because of the nursing home’s negligence, you may be entitled to file a civil suit against the nursing home, and you will get your compensation for sure.

What can help you is discussing a legal option with a personal injury attorney the moment you see signs of abuse such as cuts, frequent infections, bruises, and broken bones. You will get professional help.

  • Elderly Facing Physical Abuse

Physical abuse comes in various forms, including shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, jerking, pushing, punching, restraining, sexually harassing, and more. Depending on the brutality of the abuse, your close one may undergo serious injuries that could cause permanent impairment. Apart from the physical signs of abuse, you must pay attention to the behavior of your loved one. Many times, victims refuse to take their medication, isolate themselves, or have sudden outbursts you never witnessed before. If you notice such behavior changes, be vigilant to protect your loved one.

  • Know About Nursing Home Laws

Both state and federal laws regulate how nursing homes should function and how to treat their residents. Every nursing home is responsible for giving a safe environment for its members. It includes the prevention of hazardous conditions that might cause slips and falls. Hiring a competent staff is essential to properly take care of the residents. Nursing homes must report every injury that occurs on their premises. The report should include the complete story. A nursing home that fails to provide information will be negligent.

Therefore, get in touch with Shegerian Conniff, who believes in giving justice to such cases.