Crucial Employee Benefits Employers Are Legally Needed To Provide

Running a company is a challenging task and the regularly changing business landscape does not make the task any easy. Laws keep on evolving and with the range of options that offer employee benefits, it can become tough for business owners to remain updated at all times. Employment law firms can help business owners gain awareness of the myriad benefits required by the law. Let’s have a look at the list of advantages that are businesses are needed to provide by the federal government:

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Employers are legally required to offer their employees workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance covers the cost of medical treatment, care, rehabilitation and replacement income or paid leave for employees that incur illness or injury in a situation linked with their job.

Medicare and Social Security Contributions

Medicare and social security account for two federally commissioned benefit programs that all the employees in the United States pay into while they are working and then take advantage from later in life. Taxes concerning social security and Medicare are paid by the employer and employee as payroll deductions. Social security benefits make sure that employees have access to an income post their retirement or in the event they get permanently disabled. Medicare offers health insurance coverage for Americans that are aged 65 years or older or those with specific medical conditions or disabilities. Employment attorneys make sure that employees of an organization do not get denied these basic benefits.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment compensation offers a partial income replacement to an employee for a short time in the event that they involuntarily lose their job. Both employers as well as employees contribute to unemployment compensation insurance which gets administered at the federal and state level by the government.

Medical and family leave

In case your business employs greater than 50 employees, the FMLA (Federal Medical Leave Act) needs that your company offer its workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave while still offering protection to their job security. The law was designed to assist workers in managing the demands of personal, medical and family needs without worrying about getting fired from their job for taking time off. If you feel that your employer is causing hindrances in such leaves, you can take the assistance of dependable employment law firms like Shegerian Conniff.