
Conducting research in the field of environmental science is highly impactful and has the power to change lives in multiple ways. By studying the environment and the humans the engage with it, scientists understand how human actions impact ecosystems and develop sustainable solutions to pressing issues like pollution and habitat loss. This research can lead to the preservation of natural resources, the improvement of human health, and the creation of more sustainable practices used by future generations.

Some of my past and on-going projects can be read about below!

Wetland plant function 

As an undergraduate researcher, I investigated the superpowers of wetland plants as ecological sponges and how they respond to a simulated urban stormwater environment. 

Shorebird nesting ecology

For my graduate thesis project, I surveyed the habitat of the imperiled piping plover on the beaches of New York and assessed how different landscape characteristics influenced plover nest-site selection.

Environmental education program evaluation

As an advocate for diversifying participation in outdoor recreation, I launched an evaluation of a local program providing nature-based experiences for Black youth in Roanoke, Virginia.

Passerine banding

Through volunteer monitoring efforts, I capture and band resident and migratory songbirds to support long-term research projects measuring avian population ecology.