
Professional, College & Major International Events

Click here to view the full National Sports Desk daily budget. The budget includes a full list of available Shared Content Modules and Extras as well as advance planning. This page hosts the design previews for available specialty modules, but there often are addition daily options related to live game coverage. Have questions related to the sports budget or a sports module? Email  

Recent shared content modules

Right click over any image to open a larger version in a new tab.  The name of the module should be placed on your RPM budget for the page you want the module to appear. 

Daily recap modules

These modules will be available daily through the NBA, NHL and MLB seasons.


MLB RECAP includes standings, results, schedules, notes and a roundup of each day’s games. As was the case in previous seasons, we will offer a half-page option without box scores and a full-page option with box scores. Deadlines vary. Check national sports budget for further details. Click here to view the full National Sports Desk daily budget.

Weekly preview and specialty modules

NOTE: The best place to learn more about available sports shared content modules is the National Sports Desk budget, found here: 

On The Tee