Selected Publications

High Impact Medical AI Journals: Medical Image Analysis (IF=10.900), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IF=10.600), NeuroImage (IF=5.700)

Top Medical AI Conferences: MICCAI, IPMI (acceptance rate: ~30%, early acceptance: <15%, oral presentation: <5%)

SPHARM-Net: Spherical Harmonics-based Convolution for Cortical Parcellation

[DOI] [Software]

Seungbo Ha, Ilwoo Lyu

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 41(10), 2739-2751, 2022

Keywords: Shape Segmentation, Geometric Deep Learning, Spherical Convolution

Labeling Lateral Prefrontal Sulci using Spherical Data Augmentation and Context-aware Training

[DOI] [Software]

Ilwoo Lyu, Shunxing Bao, Lingyan Hao, Jewelia Yao, Jacob Miller, Willa Voorhies, Warren Taylor, Silvia Bunge, Kevin Weiner, Bennett Landman

NeuroImage, 229, 117758, 2021

Keywords: Shape Segmentation, Geometric Deep Learning, Imbalanced Classification, Data Scarcity Problem

Cortical Surface Parcellation using Spherical Convolutional Neural Networks

[DOI] [Software]

Prasanna Parvathaneni, Shunxing Bao, Vishwesh Nath, Neil Woodward, Daniel Claassen, Carissa Cascio, David Zald, Yuankai Huo, Bennett Landman, Ilwoo Lyu

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2019, LNCS11766, 501-509, Shenzhen, China, 2019, early accept, travel award

Keywords: Shape Segmentation, Geometric Deep Learning, Non-rigid Data Augmentation, Data Synthesis

Hierarchical Spherical Deformation for Cortical Surface Registration

[DOI] [Software]

Ilwoo Lyu, Hakmook Kang, Neil Woodward, Martin Styner, Bennett Landman

Medical Image Analysis, 57, 72-88, 2019

Keywords: Shape Matching, Surface Registration, Spherical Harmonics, Second-order Optimization

Hierarchical Spherical Deformation for Shape Correspondence

[DOI] [Software]

Ilwoo Lyu, Martin Styner, Bennett Landman

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2018, LNCS11070, 853-861, Granada, Spain, 2018, early accept, oral presentation

Keywords: Shape Matching, Surface Registration, Spherical Harmonics

A Cortical Shape-Adaptive Approach to Local Gyrification Index

[DOI] [Software]

Ilwoo Lyu, Sun Hyung Kim, Jessica Girault, John Gilmore, Martin Styner

Medical Image Analysis, 48, 244-258, 2018

Keywords: Shape Quantification, Stationary H-J PDE, Longitudinal Data Analysis

TRACE: A Topological Graph Representation for Automatic Sulcal Curve Extraction

[DOI] [Software]

Ilwoo Lyu, Sun Hyung Kim, Neil Woodward, Martin Styner, Bennett Landman

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(7), 1653-1663, 2018

Keywords: Shape Feature Extraction, Rigde/Valley Detection, Geodesics, Graph Representation

Group-Wise Cortical Correspondence via Sulcal Curve-Constrained Entropy Minimization

[DOI] [Tutorial]

Ilwoo Lyu, Sun Hyung Kim, Joon-Kyung Seong, Sang Wook Yoo, Alan Evans, Yundi Shi, Mar Sanchez, Marc Niethammer, Martin Styner

Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2013, LNCS7917, 364-375, Asilomar, California, USA, 2013, oral presentation with open-ended discussion

Keywords: Shape Matching, Landmark-based Surface Registration, Spherical Harmonics, Group-wise Optimization