What musical opportunities are available for my child?

Concert Bands, Jazz Bands, String Ensembles, Orchestras and Choirs are offered for appropriate levels and ages. An important part of ensemble contribution is performance. This includes concerts at Shalom College, the local Eisteddfod, and the Queensland Catholic Music Festival in Brisbane. Students are also supported should they wish to enter the Eisteddfod as a soloist or in small groups. The choir and vocal groups continually contribute to the college’s liturgies while the Jazz Band regularly perform for the student body and other gigs. There are music camps and music workshops organized by staff. External examinations are also available to all students.

What are the lesson options for my child?

Shalom College offers lessons in private and small group formats. Group lessons are provided for most students in age and level appropriate groups. Private lessons cater to piano and vocal students and to instrumental students requiring extension or remediation.

Can my child enrol for instrumental music lessons even though they have never done so in the past?


Instrumental lessons can begin at any time during their schooling. Please contact us so that we can immediately provide your child with orientation of the facilities, a lesson timetable and an instrument. Let’s get started!

How are music lessons scheduled?

A music lesson is always on a designated day (Monday, Tuesday, etc…). However, the lesson times rotate systematically on the designated day to minimize the impact on academic classes. Please refer to the sample Music lesson timetable. [Documents ]

How long are music lessons?

Lessons are 30 minutes long, which is less than half of an academic period (70 minutes).

What if my child misses a music lesson?

A make-up lesson can be scheduled on specific days and times, depending on the music teacher and availability. It is the students’ responsibility to effectively communicate via email or in person with the appropriate instructor.

Will I be refunded for missed music lessons?

Yes & No.

Students who take group lessons are charged a flat rate per term. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule make-up lessons with the available teachers­­­. There is no reimbursement for missed lessons.

Students who take private lessons are charged per lesson (8 lessons in a 10-week term). It is still the students’ responsibility to schedule make-up lessons with the instructors. Missed lessons will be credited forward to the next term for school-sanctioned absences.

Does my child have to attend lessons to participate in ensembles?


It is the expectation of all ensemble directors that your child must be enrolled in music lessons either at the college or with a reputable local teacher. Choir is the exception as it is available to all students at the college.

Which ensemble will my child attend?

Apart from the Choir which is an all-inclusive ensemble, students are placed in level and age appropriate ensembles.

Where does my child attend rehearsals?

All rehearsals are held in either the Music Classroom, Band Room or on the Theatre Stage. Please refer to the rehearsal schedule outlining the days and venue for each ensemble. Documents

When does my child attend rehearsals?

All rehearsals take place before academic school hours, between 7:30 am – 8:30 am. It is the expectation of all ensemble directors that students arrive at 7:15 am so as to be ready and prepared to rehearse at 7:30 am.

Is rehearsal on this week?

Yes. Yes. Yes!

Apart from holidays, ensemble rehearsals are always on. Even when the school calendar is full with excursions, camps, appointments, performances, etc…, ensemble rehearsals are always on. Unless a specific effort has been made to inform you and your child otherwise by the ensemble directors, ensemble rehearsals are always on.

What is PAP?

P. A. P. is the acronym for Performing Arts Precinct. This is the facility that houses the theatre, multiple classrooms, practice studios, the Band Room, teachings studios and instrument storage.

Can my child learn more than one instrument?


Please be advised that this requires your child to attend more than one music lesson per week during academic time. The department only recommends this arrangement for students with a strong commitment to the program and exceptional organizational skills.

Can I hire an instrument?


Most instruments that are taught at the college can be hired for a fee per term. [Documents ]

What are my best options for purchasing an instrument?

Please consult your child’s instrumental music teacher so they can appropriately guide you towards your best option. More often than not, you can purchase a superior used instrument at a similar cost to a “new” sub-standard instrument.

What do we do if my child's instrument requires repairs?

All minor repairs can be made on site by one of the instrumental teachers at no cost. More substantial repairs need to be sent to a reputable repairer. Hired instruments are regularly serviced through the school whereas privately owned instruments are the students’ responsibility. Parents are encouraged to seek advice from their child's instrumental teacher about reputable repairers.

How can I support my child’s musical journey?

Encouraging your child to practise at home is where it starts. Having the patience to listen to them struggle is the hardest part, especially at the beginning! Attend their concerts and performances (staying to the end) and develop an open dialogue with the instrumental music teachers.

Where can my child store their instrument and music folder?

There is a store room located inside the PAP. Please put a name tag on your child’s instrument case and folder.

How does my child “advance” themselves?

Practise. Consistent, focused and purposeful practise. But don’t worry, we’re not talking about 4 hours every day! Consistency is the key. Please consult the suggested practise table. [Documents ]

Is there a platform that recognises students’ outstanding achievements?


The coordinated curriculum of the Shalom College instrumental music department supports individual students’ outstanding achievements. Band students can be awarded a prestigious Medal and Pin by successfully completing a series of performance tests on their respective instrument.

Is it necessary for my child to undertake formal external music exams?


There is no expectation for students to sit external formal exams. Some students greatly benefit from the examination experience because of the preparation process and performance procedure. In these cases, the music staff will fully support your child’s journey.

What should I do if my child encounters problems with learning music?

You should always contact the music teacher first if you have a question or concerns about your child's music lessons. Regular communication with your child's music teacher through email or phone is always encouraged.

At what stage does my child require a “Performance Uniform?”

By the end of Term I. This ensures that your child is dressed appropriately for the upcoming Eisteddfod. The performance uniform consists of a school vest (available at the Uniform Shop) & long-sleeved microfibre black shirt, black pants and black socks (available at your local retail stores)

Who will provide my child with instrument consumables?

Consumables such as reeds, cork grease, valve oil, A.M.E.B. Books, drum sticks, etc…can be purchased at your local music store. Specialty consumables are provided by the music department.

How do I contact my child’s music teacher?

Please contact any one of our music teachers by either email or phone. You can refer to the “contact us” page for the contact email addresses of each teacher, or you can phone the front office between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm and they will put you through.

How do I withdraw my child's enrolment in the Instrumental Music Program?

Please complete the Withdrawal from Instrumental Music Form and return any instruments or music owned by Shalom to the music department. As a courtesy please also email the relevant teacher to inform them of your child's departure from the program.