"Going forward in life is mostly an intricate feedback system at work"

Shajnush Amir

An experienced  researcher and instructor. Passionate about impactful tech  innovations.

Researcher. Educator. Thinker.

Shajnush Amir is a zealous Control Systems Researcher involved with projects that includes Biomedical Wearable Design, Intelligent Transportation System, and Engineering Education. He has a calling for teaching and has been involved in teaching hardware and software skills since his graduation in B. Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering from North South University, Bangladesh in 2016. He has received industrial exposure as a Trainee AI Engineer in an international technology firm. He believes in applying control systems, robotics and automation to solve problems affecting human lives and aspire to inflame the same vision in curious minds. He loves connecting science with everyday phenomenon. In his leisure, he loves to delight in books, podcasts, music, anime and the infinite earths of Marvel and DC. He strives to be an altruist. He often experiences dyschronometria as a hobbyist coder. He has befriended “Python” and “Anaconda” and looks forward to… a “Basilisk” perhaps?!!

Site Updated: 1st June 2024