Danzanthan Info
Aliases: The Forgotten City
Races: Drow
Religions: Lolth, Shar, Eilistraee
Currency: Standard
Imports: Information
Exports: None
Ruler: Queen Jugashvili
Soldiery: Imperial Guard, NKVD
Matriarch's Palace: Where the Queen lives and conducts city business. No one is allowed admittance without direct permission from the queen. Under constant surveillance
Jugashvili: Female, Drow, 100's. Queen of Danzanthan
NKVD Academy: Located directly in the center of town. High towers were build to loom over the streets to keep a constant watch on the people
Tikhonov: Male, Drow, 80's. Spymaster of the NKVD
Lost Lamb Inn: Local tavern that has live performances every night
Driders Silks: High end clothing store
Temple of the Webbed Queen: Temple of Lolth
Halls of Loss: Temple of Shar