Services and Expenses


Wretched 0 gp: You live in inhumane conditions. With no place to call home, you shelter wherever you can. Sneaking into barns, huddling in old crates, and relying on the good graces of others more better off. A wretched lifestyle presents abundant dangers. Violence, disease, and hunger follow you wherever you go. Other wretched people covet your armor, weapons, and adventuring gear, which present a fortune by their standards. You are far beneath the notice of most people.

Squalid 1 sp: You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside of town, or a vermin infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. You are beneath the notice of most people, and you have few legal protections. Most people at this lifestyle level have suffered some terrible setback. They might be disturbed, marked as exiles, or suffer from disease.

Poor 2 sp: A poor lifestyle means you go without the comforts of a stable community. Simple food and lodgings, threadbare clothing, and unpredictable conditions result in a sufficient, though probably unpleasant, experience. Your accommodations might be a room in a flophouse or in the common room above a tavern. You benefit from some legal protections, but you still have to contend with violence, crime, and disease. People at this lifestyle tend to be unskilled laborers, peddlers, thieves, mercenaries, and other disreputable types.

Modest 1 gp: A modest lifestyle keeps you out of the slums and ensures that you can maintain your equipment. You live in an older part of town, renting a room in a boarding house, inn, or temple. You don't go hungry or thirsty, and your living conditions are clean, if simple. Ordinary people living a modest lifestyle include soldiers with families, laborers, students, priests, hedge wizards, and the like.

Comfortable 2 gp: Choosing a comfortable lifestyle means that you can afford nicer clothing and can easily maintain your equipment. You live in a small cottage in a middle-class neighborhood or in a private room at a fine inn. You associate with merchants, skilled tradespeople, and military officers.

Wealthy 4 gp: Choosing a wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury, though you might not have achieved the social status associated with the old money of nobility. You live a lifestyle comparable to that of a highly successful merchant, a favored servant of royalty, or the owner of a few small businesses. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious home in a good part of town or a comfortable suite at a fine inn. You likely have a small staff of servants.

Aristocratic 10+ gp: You live a life of plenty and comfort. You move in circles populated by the most powerful people in the community. You have excellent lodgings, perhaps a townhouse in the nicest part of town or rooms in the finest inn. You dine at the best restaurants, retain the most skilled and fashionable tailor, and have servants attending to your every need. You receive invitations to the social gathering of the rich and powerful, and spend evenings in the company of politicians, guild leaders, high priests, and nobility. You must also contend with the highest levels of treachery. The wealthier you are, the greater the chance you will be drawn into political intrigue as a pawn or participant.


Inn Stays: Standard price for an inn across the realm. There are exceptions, but most follow the same pricing conventions

Coach Cab




Jobs and Professions

The average Faerunian works 10 days a week at their given profession. However, most citizens only work 2-6 hours a day depending on the job. A typical workweek could vary greatly depending on the service or job being preformed. Unless you are nobility or royalty, you could be expected to work every day. Except for the large holidays like Greengrass, Midsummer, Highharvestide, and the Moonfest.























