Bukit Timah, North Summit

The North Summit is situated on the crest of the North View Path (Photo taken 2020-12-03).

Height: 141.9 (+/- 0.5) m [my barometric measurements]. Saddle point with East Summit at 127.0 (+/- 0.7) m [my barometric measurements].

Location: 1°21'27.9"N 103°46'28.8"E

Route(s) to Summit: Take the flight of steps about a hundred meters away on the East Summit. The steps lead down to Renges Path which then joins North View Path after a junction with Seraya Path. From the junction, North View path will gently rise till a crest after about 60 meters, before tapering down. That crest is the North Summit

Picture Gallery:

View of the west flank of Bukit Timah Ridge. The arrows point out where the (N)orth and (W)est summits are. The transmission towers indicate where the (N)orth summit is although it is hidden from view. Photo taken from south slope of Bukit Gombak. (2020-10-25)