QPR- Save a Life

What is QPR?

QPR is a lifesaving technique designed to prevent someone from committing suicide, and is intended to offer hope through positive action and compassion. This informational page is designed to teach you how to carry out QPR. Everyone is capable of performing QPR. When you apply QPR, you plant the seeds of hope. 

QPR is not a form of counseling or treatment, but serves as a bridge to getting treatment. 

What does QPR Stand for?

QPR stands for: Question, Persuade, and Respond. Learning how to effectively carry out these techniques can save someones life if you ever find yourself in that position. 

Why is QPR important?

QPR is important for a plethora of reasons, not only because it can save lives, but because:

Why are college students at risk for suicide?

College students are at risk for suicide, because of uncertainty about their future, financial insecurity, loneliness, lack of passion, the stigma against mental health treatment, and overwhelming stress

*Everything in this section is from the QPR Insitute *

Suicide Clues and Warning Signs

The more clues and signs you observe in someone =  higher risk for suicide. Recognizing the warning signs of suicide is vital before QPR takes place. 

Direct Clues:

Indirect Clues:

Behavioral Clues:

Situational Clues:

Step 1: Question

It is important to note that people do not want to die, they want to end their suffering. Taking their own life is the action that someone who is suicidal may take to end their suffering, and is seen as their last resort. 

When you decide you are going to question someone about if they plan on taking their life, do not wait, ASK. Waiting to ask someone about their plans of suicide allows more time for suicide to take place. Find and ask them what private setting they would like to use to have this conversation, and allow yourselves plenty of time. If the person is reluctant, be persistent. Allow them to talk freely, do not interrupt. Listen to what they have to say. 

Tips on how to start the conversation:

Taking a LESS DIRECT Approach

Taking a DIRECT Approach: 

How NOT to ask the question:

*Asking the question about suicide in this manner makes the person feel stupid, unsafe, and unheard. Remember, you want to help and support this person, not tear them down. *

Step 2: Persuade

Remember, suicide is not a solution to a problem, it is only the solution to a perceived unsolvable problem

Now, if that person IS planning to commit suicide, you need to persuade them to get help. You can do this by asking these three simple questions:

Step 3: Refer

The final step is to refer someone to get help. 

Step 4. Effective QPR

When you apply QPR, you plant the seeds of hope. Words are powerful.