As defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary:

ˈstreŋ(k)th  ˈstren(t)th 

1: the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance

2: power to resist force : SOLIDITY, TOUGHNESS

3: power of resisting attack : IMPREGNABILITY

    4  a : legal, logical, or moral force

   b: a strong attribute or inherent asset

the strengths and the weaknesses of the book are evident

"Strength Isn't Always Physical"

At SFSU, we believe 'strength' is not just defined through physical means. As a group, we have decided that strength is characterized as the ability to navigate and overcome adversity, and to seek out help when it is needed. As athletes, we are presented with daily tasks, such as managing school, homework, practice, game schedules, travel, the pressure to perform well, and so much more. These tasks can be daunting, and too often the mental toll with what we are presented with gets overlooked. 'Strength' is characterized by prioritizing mental health, while maintaining physical health. In SAAC, we have made it our mission to emphasize that 'Strength Isn't Always Physical', because mental health is the greatest importance in order for physical health to prosper. 

How do SFSU student athletes manage their stress and maintain mental wellness? We asked, and here's what we found:

A Word From Our Athletes:

Kyle Botelho, Wrestling

"Mental wellness to me can be summarized by understanding one’s capabilities. It involves finding balance, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed. It's about being kind to yourself and prioritizing your well-being".

Aidan Goodrich, Volleyball

"To me, mental wellness is all about finding balance. Being at SF State has given me the opportunity to succeed at several different areas of my life. Although volleyball is a huge part of my life, it is nice to have the ability to focus on more than just my sport.".

Instagram Accounts To Navigate and Improve Your Mental Game:


Founded by Victoria Garrick, former NCAA volleyball athlete at USC, The Hidden Opponent is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support, educate, and advocate for student athletes who are struggling with their mental health. The Hidden Opponent was endorsed by the late Kobe Bryant, and is listed as a resource in his novel "Geese Are Never Swans".


P/ATH Sports is a non-profit organizaiton that teaches the youth skills of empathy and empowerment in order to lead to their personal success, higher self-esteem and a more equitable society founded by Cassidy Lichtman a former member of the USA Women's Volleyball National Team.


The Athlete Mentality is a brand founded by Gabriel Deieno, an entrepreneur and specialist in mental training for sports. Through neuroscince and psychology, Athlete Mentality teaches athletes how to be more confident, disciplined, focused, motivated, as well as helping athletes cope with nervousness, pessimism, criticism,  all while coaching athletes through various challenges that may inhibit from achieving their fullest potential.


@GFPmindset is the instragram account for Grant Parr, SFSU volleyball's own mental performance coach. Not only is Grant Parr a mental performance coach, but he is the host of podcast 90% Mental, former NCAA quarterback, keynote speaker, and author of Next One Up Mindset. Parr works with olympians, olympic coaches, professional athletes, collegiate athletes, and high school athletes to guide them with mental skills and techniques to help them gain a competitive edge in their sport. 

Instagram Accounts To Navigate and Improve Your Mental Health:


@headspace is an instagram that promotes wellness through meditation, uplifitng messages, and resources to find help regarding various issues. Download the app, or follow the instagram account for meditation practices and advice on how to navigate life.  


@mentalhealthamerica normalizes the topic on mental illness, mental disorders, eating disorders, and much more. You can find resources on how to seek help on various issues, as well as information on American policies that address concerns towards mental health. 


NEDA is short for 'National Eating Disorder Association'. @neda is the instagram account for the non-profit organization that brings awareness to eating disorders, provides support for those suffering, and assists with aid for immediate crisis circumstances. 


@afspnational is the instragram account for the non-profit organizaiton American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you or someone you know is being affected by suicide, this instagram account offers support, guidance, and resources to prevent suicide from happening.

Mental Wellness Resources Endorsed by SFSU:

Counseling and Psychological Services

Student Health Services

Peggy H. Smith Counseling Clinic

SF State Psychology Training Clinic

*all information in this section is from SFSU's Mental Health Resource List*

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) San Francisco

Well Clinic

Mental Health Association of Alameda County

Other Resources

For a longer list of resources, visit the Counseling & Psychological Services Resources page.

*all information in this section is from SFSU's Mental Health Resource List*