Childbirth Education

Gain the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about your health.

Birth Preparation courses will allow you and your partner to build:

An understanding of the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of childbirth.

A set of practices to help you integrate the relaxation, breathing, and mind-training techniques.

Knowledge and skills to have the best chance of a low or non intervention birth.

A deeper connection to yourself, your partner, and your baby so that you can navigate the birth from a foundation of love.

Knowledge about the routine birth and postpartum procedures that occur in all birth locations.

*In-person & Virtual class options

Popular Parent Picks:



Take this course if this is your first baby or it's been more than a few years since you had your first baby. It covers everything you need to know and practice for hospital or home birth center and immediate postpartum, includes birth plan topic discussion. 

*This course can include newborn care or breastfeeding education as requested. 

**In-person & Virtual Classes offered

4 hour long class: $450



Take the intensive if you've already taken another childbirth education class during this or a previous pregnancy and you want to learn and develop a mindset, practices, skills, and partner communication for birth.

**In-person & Virtual Classes offered

2 hour long class: $250

Birth Prep Series

Take this comprehensive course if this is your first baby or it's been more than a few years since you had your first baby. It covers everything you need to know and practice for hospital or home birth center and immediate postpartum

This course includes new born care, postpartum prep, pre/postnatal exercise plan(including c-section/diastasis recti modifications), partner preparation and creating a birth plan

8 hours (organized into 2-4 hour classes): $750

Individual Class Offereings:  

Each Individual Class is a 1/2hour to 2-hours long.