
Teaching Philosphy

Mathematics is ultimately about problem solving, so through a mixture of lecturing and active learning techniques (such as worksheets and group work), I strive to help my students gain independence and confidence in their problem solving skills. 

Lecture Notes

Paul Breiding, Tim Römer, and I are writing lecture notes on a course given in Summer semester 2022 on the Mathematical Methods of Data Science

Topics Courses and Mini-Courses

Research based lecture courses

Classes as Primary Instructor

Aside from an outline of necessary requirements, I was in charge of lectures, writing and grading exams, office hours, and all other teaching duties.

Classes as an in-class TA for active learning classroom

Duties include working with students alongside the instructor to provide feedback during group work. I also hold office hours and grade homework where we require students to use LaTeX, so feedback involves math and writing feedback.


Classes as a TA

Duties include review sessions, grading, and office hours.


Highlights of Student Evaluations