so Im wondering what could be the conclusion of this, I mean if I use the killall command to kill all of the gstreamer pipelines at once with your command the error does not happen. I do not see what could be different if I have only one processing pipeline and send it a kill -SIGINT or do a killall -2 for all of the pipelines. But this may be the answer to the issue when I have multiple simultaneous pipelines.

The Instreamer ICE from Barix has two uses: on the one hand, it is an audio network encoder which first converts audio into a data format, then streams the data to remote receivers over the network; on the other hand, it serves as an Icecast server that provides access to streams for multiple listeners/clients.

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Barix is committed to helping you have a successful experience with the Instreamer ICE. The first help resource should always be to read the manuals carefully. If you still need support after reading the manuals, the following support resources should help answer your question:

The Instreamer ICE contains a built-in web server and comes with a web user interface (web UI) that allows you both, to configure various settings of the Instreamer ICE and monitor the status of streaming.

The Instreamer ICE is equipped with a standard Ethernet 10/100 Mbit, full / half duplex, auto negotiation interface. Connect the device to an Ethernet network using an RJ-45 Ethernet cable to network switch or network hub. You'll also need a computer connected to network. If you are going to connect the Instreamer ICE directly to a computer without switch or hub, you must use a "crossover" cable, which is a specially-wired cable available at many electronics supply stores.

Before you can access the Instreamer ICE's web UI, you must connect the Instreamer ICE to an appropriate power source. Use the power supply which was delivered with your Instreamer ICE. Connect it first to the wall socket and thereafter to the device.

The Instreamer ICE must have a valid IP address before you can use most of the functions available via the Ethernet interface. A simple way to find and/or change the Instreamer ICE's IP address is to use the Barix Discovery Tool.

The IP address displayed in the Discovery tool is either a dynamic IP address, assigned by a DHCP server, or a fix/configured IP address. The Instreamer ICE has the IP address set to and DHCP enabled, when first used, which means that it will automatically attempt to acquire an IP address from the local DHCP.

If there is no DHCP Server in the network available, the Instreamer ICE will fail to obtain an IP address. Nevertheless, the Barix Discovery tool will find it and show the IP address (which is inaccessible).

You can set the address in the Discovery Tool by double clicking on the IP address field of the Instreamer ICE you wish to change. Doing so will make the IP address field editable. Enter the IP address you want to assign to the Instreamer ICE, then click "Set" at the bottom of the Discovery tool. The "Set reply" field displays "No error" if the address assignment was successful.

Before you can access the Instreamer ICE, make sure it was given a proper IP address. You can use the address that appears in the Discovery tool to access the Instreamer ICE via a web browser. However, keep in mind that the IP address assigned via DHCP may change if the Instreamer is rebooted.

If you decide to assign a static IP address to the Instreamer ICE, you must make sure to use an address that is outside the range of addresses that are automatically assigned by any DHCP server on the network.

The Instreamer ICE provides an RS-232 serial interface. The RS-232 interface is supplied as 9-pin sub D male connector, wired as a DTE. The connector's DTE wiring is similar to a personal computer's serial port, as defined in the following table.

In general, it's best to assign a specific netmask, based on the configuration of your network. If you are unsure what netmask is appropriate for your subnet, contact your network administrator. Take a look at Appendix G: IP Addresses, Netmasks and Gateways for more information. Assuming that the Instreamer ICE is connected to the same subnet as your computer, you can probably use the same netmask as your computer.

The gateway settings tell the Instreamer ICE the IP address of a router or host that is responsible for forwarding any network traffic that is not within the Instreamer ICEs subnet. In a small network connected to the internet, the gateway IP address is typically the address of the router that connects the network to the internet (which is probably also the DHCP server). The gateway address is not necessary unless the Instreamer ICE will need to communicate with devices outside its own network. For example, if the Instreamer ICE needs to send a stream to a computer that is outside the Instreamer ICE network, the gateway address is required in order for the Instreamer ICE to connect to the gateway to forward the traffic to its final destination.

The gateway IP address is always in the same subnet as the Instreamer ICE. For example, in a small network where the Instreamer ICE is assigned an IP address of, the gateway address might be

If you are unsure what to set the gateway address to, contact your network administrator. Assuming that the Instreamer ICE is connected to the same subnet as your computer, you can most likely use the gateway address setting of your computer.

Choose from Constant Bit Rate (CBR) or Variable Bit Rate (VBR).A stream in variable bitrate usually requires less network bandwidth and could, theoretically, have a better audio quality. The required network bandwidth for the stream depends from the sent audio. For instance, a record of a human voice usually needs less bandwidth than music.In constant bitrate mode, the stream always uses the same network bandwidth, independently from the audio content (voice, music or no audio at all). The advantage of CBR is better compatibility with players.

Relaying is the process by which one server mirrors one or more streams from a remote server. The servers need not be of the same type (i.e. Icecast can relay from Shoutcast). Relaying is used primarily for large broadcasts that need to distribute listening clients across multiple physical machines.

Set here the Name of the mount point under which the Relayed Stream will be accessible.Set your Local Mount to "authenticate" if you wish to implement listener authentication (see section 4.7).Default: /relay-stream

Metadata are additional information in the audio stream that can be displayed on the receiving audio player. An example of such metadata is song information matching the currently played song. On the Instreamer ICE, this metadata can be added over the serial RS232 interface or over the TCP port 10000. All inserted meta data are even shown in the LOG file

To insert metadata over RS232, connect your PC with a serial null-modem cable or a serial cross cable to the Instreamer ICE. On the PC, open a serial terminal emulator ( e.g. Termite or Hyperterminal) with following settings:115200 baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control. Make sure Linefeed (0x0a) is sent as termination character.

The Instreamer ICE is supporting HTTPS for web configuration access. If enabled thenyou can only login over the HTTPS port to the Instreamer ICE web configuration. On HTTP port 80 is this case no login possible anymore.

This function is disabled per default. If enabled, the Instreamer ICE will check every Tuesday morning between 4am and 5am of your timezone if a new version is available on the Barix update server. If it is the case, the new version of the firmware will be downloaded and installed on your Instreamer ICE.

[1] This appendix describes IPv4 addresses which are the most common on the Internet. A newer IPv6 standard, using 128 bit addresses, instead of 32-bit addresses has been defined and is gradually supplanting the IPv4 scheme. However, most devices still implement IPv4 and most computers running modern operating system versions support both. This appendix does not address IPv6. The Instreamer ICE only supports currently IPv4.

Going back to our example, assume that the Instreamer ICE has an IP address of and a netmask of For the sake of this example, assume that the Instreamer ICE wants to send a stream to a device at Since this device is on the same subnet, (it shares the 192.10.0 portion of the IP address) the stream can be sent directly to the device at

If, however, the stream is going to a device at, the remote device is not in the same subnet (remember, all devices in the Instreamer ICEs subnet share the same first three octets, because the netmask is When the remote device is not in the same subnet, the Instreamer ICE must communicate through the "gateway", which is a device that routes traffic between two subnets. Thus, the Instreamer ICE contacts the gateway and asks it to send the stream to the remote IP address. The gateway handles the routing required to deliver the message to the remote subnet.

If you are statically assigning an IP address to the Instreamer ICE, and it will need to connect to other computers or devices outside its own subnet, you must fill in the gateway IP address. If the Instreamer ICE is not communicating with any devices outside its own subnet, you can leave the gateway parameter blank.

An IP address with a host address portion of all 1's implies a "broadcast" to all devices on the subnet. If the Instreamer ICE has an IP address of and a netmask of, the broadcast address for this subnet is No device on the network, including the Instreamer ICE can have an IP address of

If the network you're connecting your Instreamer ICE to is not connected to the internet, you can choose any address range you like. However, if the network is, or will be connected to the internet in the future, it's wise to use one of the private IP address ranges and a NAT-capable router/firewall for connecting to the Internet. If you have questions about these networks, and the appropriate address to assign to an Instreamer ICE, contact your network administrator. 589ccfa754

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