For inventions disclosed on or after Oct. 1, 1997, the invention disclosure date and the inventor hire date will determine which policy is applicable. If an invention is disclosed on or after 10/1/97, but the inventor was hired before April 16, 1990, the inventor can choose between the two policies. The choice is a one-time, irrevocable decision that will affect the distribution of royalties from all inventions disclosed after 10/1/97 for that inventor. If an invention is disclosed on or after 10/1/97 and the inventor was hired after 4/16/90, the invention will be administered under the current policy. Inventions disclosed before 10/1/97 are administered under the Old (1963/85) Policy.

The full text of each policy can be reviewed on the Research Policy Analysis & Coordination (RPAC) site. Please review policy differences in both the royalties paid and the money paid to campuses for support of further research. While the percentage of royalties paid to the inventor is larger under the Old Policy, there are subtle differences in calculations that may result in some inventors receiving smaller royalties if they choose to be administered under the Old Policy.

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Research Share: Designated for research-related purposes at the inventor's campus and allocated based on plans developed at each campus and UC-managed DOE Laboratory. The research share only exists under the Current Policy.

General Pool: This income accrues to individual campuses or UC-managed DOE Laboratories based upon income for all inventions made by inventors at that location. The Pool is used to cover:

If you are an eligible inventor who has not yet been paid royalties, you will be contacted before your first royalty distribution payment is made. The letter sent to inventors contains an election form. If you want your inventions to be covered by the Current Policy, sign and date the Election of Current Policy Form and return it as soon as possible in the stamped, self-addressed envelope provided. If IAS does receive this form by the required deadline, your inventions will automatically be reverted to the Old Policy.

Example #1: The invention below earns $1000 and inventor shares are to be shared equally between two inventors. Inventor A is under the 1963/1985 "Old" (50%) Policy and Inventor B is under the 1997 "Current" (35%) Policy. These calculations demonstrate that when Net Expenses < 50% of Gross Income the inventor under the "Old" (50%) Policy receives more than the inventor under "Current" Policy.

Example #2: The invention below earns $1000 and inventor shares are to be shared equally between two inventors. Inventor A is under the 1963/1985 "Old" (50%) Policy and Inventor B is under the 1997 "Current" (35%) Policy. These calculations demonstrate that when Net Expenses > 50% of Gross Income the inventor under the "Current" (35%) Policy receives more than the inventor under "Old" (50%) Policy.

We started advocating for Inventor Rights and changes to our U.S. Patent System to protect inventors since October, 2013. US Inventor, a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation, was founded on March 17, 2015, to first put a stop to the Innovation Act.

Gordon Moore is one of the most celebrated scientists and inventors of our time. To honor our visionary founder, we created the Moore Inventor Fellows to nurture the next generation of scientists and inventors. With the creation of the fellowship, we hope to encourage breakthroughs that accelerate progress for the next 50 years.

The Moore Inventor Fellowship supports scientist-inventors who create new tools and technologies with a high potential to accelerate progress in scientific discovery, environmental conservation and patient care.

Although Negishi was the first to create a karaoke machine, many people attribute the invention of karaoke to nightclub musician Daisuke Inoue, who independently invented his own karaoke machine in 1971. Inoue's contribution was to create versions of pop-song backing tracks in keys that could suit a variety of amateur singers. (Three additional Japanese inventors created versions of karaoke machines in the late 1960s and early 1970s.)

We study the lives of more than one million inventors in the United States using a new de-identified database linking patent records to tax and school district records. Tracking these individuals from birth onward, we identify the key factors that determine who becomes an inventor, as measured by filing a patent.1 Our results shed light on what policies can be most effective in increasing innovation, showing in particular that increasing exposure to innovation among women, minorities, and children from low-income families may have greater potential to spark innovation and growth than traditional approaches such as reducing tax rates.

The inventors of CRISPR-CAS9, a gene editing technology, from the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT and the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Feng Zhang accepted the award on behalf of the Broad Institute and Dr. Jennifer Doudna accepted on behalf of Berkeley.

Larry Weed, MD is widely known as the father of the problem-oriented medical record and inventor of the now-ubiquitous SOAP (subjective/objective/assessment/plan) note, for developing an electronic health record system (Problem-Oriented Medical Information System, PROMIS), and for founding a company (since acquired), which developed problem-knowledge couplers. However, Dr Weed's vision for medicine goes far beyond software--over the course of his storied career, he has relentlessly sought to bring the scientific method to medical practice and, where necessary, to point out shortcomings in the system and advocate for change. In this oral history, Dr Weed describes, in his own words, the arcs of his long career and the work that remains to be done.

An inventor is a person who makes new inventions, devices that perform some kind of function. The devices are mostly electrical or mechanical. Someone that invents new ideas or methods on how to do things may also be called an inventor. Inventors can receive a patent.

Many inventors make small changes to old inventions. For example, people have invented new ways to make clocks over history. Early clocks were sundials, later clocks used water, and pendulums. Modern clocks are often electronic. Other machines such as vehicles are made of many inventions.

Hoy, la red informtica mundial, la famosa WWW de la world wide web, cumple 28 aos. Este es un mensaje de Sir Tim Berners-Lee, nuestro fundador e inventor de la web, sobre cmo ha evolucionado la web y qu debemos hacer para asegurar que cumple su visin de ser una plataforma de igualacin que beneficia a toda la humanidad.

Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cotton gin and the iPhone. But there are countless other, often overlooked inventions that make our daily lives easier. Among the creative innovators behind these devices are African American inventors. From the traffic light to the ironing board, see a list of products that have sprung from the minds of Black inventors.

With only an elementary school education, Black inventor (and son of an enslaved parent), Garrett Morgan came up with several significant inventions, including an improved sewing machine and the gas mask. However, one of Morgan's most influential inventions was the improved traffic light. Morgan's was one of the first three-light systems that were invented in the 1920s, resulting in the widespread adoption of the traffic lights we take for granted today.

If your refrigerator has any produce from your local grocery store, then you can credit African American inventor Frederick McKinley Jones. Jones took out more than 60 patents throughout his life, including a patent for the roof-mounted cooling system that was used to refrigerate goods on trucks during extended transportation in the mid-1930s. He received a patent for his invention in 1940 and co-founded the U.S. Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King. The company was critical during World War II, helping to preserve blood, food and supplies during the war.

Before automatic doors, people had to manually shut both the shaft and elevator doors before riding. Forgetting to do so led to multiple accidents as people fell down elevator shafts. As the story goes, when the daughter of African American inventor Alexander Miles almost fatally fell down the shaft, he took it upon himself to develop a solution. In 1887 he took out a patent for a mechanism that automatically opens and closes elevator shaft doors and his designs are largely reflected in elevators used today.

The light bulb itself was perfected by Thomas Edison, but the innovation used to create longer-lasting light bulbs with a carbon filament came from African American inventor Lewis Latimer. Latimer, the son of formerly enslaved people, began work in a patent law firm after serving in the military for the Union during the Civil War. He was recognized for his talent in drafting patents and was promoted to head draftsman, where he co-invented an improved bathroom for railroad trains. 589ccfa754

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