How do you detect a particle that has almost no mass, feels only two of the four fundamental forces, and can travel unhindered through solid lead for an entire light-year without ever interacting with matter? This is the problem posed by neutrinos, ghostly particles that are generated in the trillions by nuclear reactions in stars, including our sun, and on Earth. Scientists can also produce neutrinos to study in controlled experiments using particle accelerators. One of the ways neutrinos can be detected is with large vats filled with liquid argon and wrapped with a complex web of integrated circuitry that can operate in temperatures colder than the average day on Neptune.

Argon occurs naturally as a gas in our atmosphere, and turning it into a liquid entails chilling it to extremely cold temperatures. The atomic nuclei of liquid argon are so densely packed together that some of the famously elusive neutrinos traveling from Fermilab will interact with them, leaving behind tell-tale signs of their passing. The resulting collision produces different particles that scatter in all directions, including electrons, which physicists use to reconstruct the path of the otherwise invisible neutrino.

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The easiest way to mitigate the problem involves the same tactic you use to keep food from spoiling: Keep it cold. If all the electronics are submerged in the liquid argon, there are fewer thermal vibrations from atoms and a larger signal-to-noise ratio. Placing the electronics in the liquid-argon tank has the added benefit of decreasing the amount of wire you have to use to deliver signals to the amplifiers. If, for example, amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters are kept outside the chamber (as they are in some neutrino detectors), long wires have to connect them to the detectors on the inside.

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and can be spread by person-to-person contact or by touching an object contaminated by the virus. If someone coughs near you or shakes your hand after wiping their eyes, you may catch an eye cold. If you already have a cold, it may spread to your eyes if you cough or sneeze into your hand then rub your eyes.

The man they are chasing after never looks back in his work either. As soon as his latest work is done, he receives the payment along with another job to do from a seemingly old, humble shoemaker whose cold eyes betray a ruthless criminal boss inside his shabby appearance. They seldom discuss their nameless powerful clients, but they know well the purposes behind the jobs they are requested to do (in one case, a bunch of account books are stolen away from some big accounting firm before the police come with a seizure and search warrant), and they do not care as long as they get paid well.

Rookie Detective Ha Yoon Ju becomes the newest member of a unit within the Korean Police Forces Special Crime Department that specializes in surveillance activities on high profile criminals. She teams up with Chief Detective Hwang Sang Jun, the veteran leader of the unit, and tries to track down James who is the cold-hearted leader of an armed criminal organization. Edit Translation

I understand that sometimes marriages fall apart for all sorts of reasons and can accept that men or women feel the need to leave. The unique aspect of wife abandonment syndrome, however, is that in leaving, the husband turns against his wife with disregard for her distress. His eyes turn cold.

The most common symptom is when the white parts of your eyes become pink to red in color. Your eyes may also sting, burn or itch. And your eyelids may be swollen. Eye colds also usually cause teary or watery eyes, and you may even have some whitish eye discharge.

Viral conjunctivitis is usually caused by the adenovirus, which can produce many common cold- and flu-like symptoms. However, any cold or flu virus can be transferred to your eyes and give you an eye cold.

But I'm not really here to talk about the rough beauty of the dialogue in Hud -- though it's never far from my mind -- but the language of the eyes and the body delivering it. And, I rush to add, the award-winning cinematography and composition which package the unimproveable ensemble up so potently. Look at the shadows and the way Newman, bathed in light, become a handsome devil (essentially the truth of his character) his famous blue eyes less like inviting pools of water than icy death.

Headquarters of the Special Crime Unit specialized in surveillance is CSI: Miami on steroids, with enough futuristic electronic tracking devices to run a large spaceship. Yet co-directors Cho Ui-seok andKim Byung-seo never linger on the fancy production design and it will take a quick-eyed viewer to even estimate how many police work in the open office space. Attention will be distracted by Lee, the chief of chiefs, played by the beautiful Jin Kyung as an elegant, cold-as-ice decision maker. Refreshingly, there are no idiots on the team (the one apparent goof-off turns out to be a geek genius) and no personal animosities; no one has family problems or even a family. They work as one extraordinarily efficient team that has all of Seoul under its control via those omnipresent surveillance cameras that have cropped up on every street corner. They also control every police car, streetlight and train in Gotham, making criminal activity very tough indeed.

Editor Shin Min-kyungis a major player here with lightning fast cross-cutting that keeps the eyes bouncing around the screen like a tennis ball. The music, credited to Dalpalan and Jang Young-gyu, is unforgiving in pumping up the tension and keeping it at just the right pitch.

Babies and children of all ages should see a doctor if the cold seems to be causing more serious problems. Call your doctor or take your child to an emergency department if you notice any of the following signs:

It was only when I realized that my dry eyes were linked to my lifestyle, environment and overall health did things start to make sense. I noticed that on days when I spent less time on the computer, my eyes felt better. My symptoms would flare when it was windy, or when there was low humidity. I knew that if I wanted to get ahead of my dry eyes, I needed to not only treat my eyes, but to also address my lifestyle. I started a consistent regimen of artificial tears and eyelid hygiene. I switched from monthly contact lenses to daily contact lenses. I started taking scheduled breaks from looking at a computer. I ate a healthier diet focused on anti-inflammatory/antioxidants foods, and I bought a humidifier for my room. In the beginning doing all this seemed impossible, but over time it became part of my usual routine. Not only did my eyes feel better, but I was overall healthier and happier! Turns out what is good for my eyes, was also good for my mind and body. I carried this lesson with me as I started my career to become an ophthalmologist and ophthalmic surgeon.

Because of my personal journey and professional training, I believe dry eye treatment starts by listening to and empowering the patient. I listen for the struggles and cue in on their strengths, while picking up on their lifestyle. Only then do we together start building a treatment plan that incorporates good eye hygiene with small, but impactful lifestyle changes. Our sight is our most important sense, and it is intimately linked to our very being. I want dry eye patients to not only get their dry eyes under control, but to also enjoy good mental and physical health, and live a fulfilling life. What is good for the eyes should also strengthen the mind and fortify the body!

Placing a cold compress on your eyes delivers benefits beyond just immediate relief from inflammation. Cold compresses are a great home remedy to keep your eyes feeling and looking fresh every day as part of an eye health and wellness plan.

We all know that applying cold to our bodies can help provide immediate relief from an injury or illness. You burn your finger while cooking. What do you do? Run under cold water or grab an ice pack. You have a headache. What would feel good? A nice cold cloth on your forehead.

Your eyes are no different! A cold compress on your eyes has many great benefits. It can soothe and relieve symptoms of dry eye disease, eye allergies, and pink eye. A cold compress can also be a great thing to use every day to wake up and refresh your eyes.

Using cold on your skin restricts blood circulation around the affected area, reducing swelling and pain. Your eyes experience swelling, inflammation, pain and redness from certain eye conditions. Eye allergies, pink eye, dry eye disease and even just tired eyes can benefit from a refreshing cold compress.

Dry eye disease, also known as dry eye syndrome, is a chronic condition that affects 30 million Americans and over 300 million people worldwide. The symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) include watery eyes, redness, gritty sensation, blurry vision and eye pain.

The symptoms of eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis) are similar to dry eye disease, though they appear seasonally. Eye allergy symptoms are often seen in the spring and fall. They usually occur with other allergy symptoms like sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose. Some people experience more puffiness, eye bags, and itching around the eyes with allergies.

Pink eye may be one of the most feared eye conditions. Ask any parent! Bacteria or viruses (much more common) cause pink eye (conjunctivitis), which is inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is a thin membrane covering the white part of your eye. The most common signs of pink eye are red, itchy, puffy eyes and thick discharge.

Do you ever notice your eyes feel tired after looking at a screen too long (digital eye strain) or doing focused work? Your eyes experience fatigue, just like the rest of your body, when they are involved in tasks (i.e., pretty much everything you do, all day long!). 589ccfa754

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