

  • May experience decreased endurance during sexual activity
  • May experience decreased sexual desire due to lack of energy


  • Plan to take a short nap prior to sexual activity to increase energy (Newman, 2007)
  • Suggest that client plan to have sex in the morning or during periods of time where they have more energy
  • Let client know that they may need to stop or change positions during sexual activity to conserve energy (Newman, 2007)
  • Encourage clients to pace themselves and slow down (Vincent & Singh, 2007)
  • Explore the use of foreplay and other methods of stimulation that require less effort
  • Introduce mindfulness techniques as a way to
  • Experiment with tantric sex as a means to engage in sexual activity longer with less energy expended (Mioduszewski, 2012)


Mioduszewski, M. (2012). Stroke and spasticity. In B. Hattjar (Ed.), Sexuality and occupational therapy. Bethesda, MA: American Occupational Therapy Association.

Newman, A. M. (2007). Arthritis and sexuality. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(4), 621-630. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnur.2007.08.006

Vincent, E. E. & Singh, S. J. (2007). Addressing the sexual health of patients with COPD: The needs of the patient and implications for health care professionals. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 4, 111-115.