Cocaine Treatment at Serenity Recovery

Welcome to Hope Rehab’s Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program: Cocaine addiction is a highly destructive and compulsive problem. It creates chaos and financial ruin for many people who started out taking it for recreation purposes. At Hope we regularly treat many people for this highly destructive form or addiction, with a high success rate.

The bipolar nature of cocaine creates low moods and depression. Hope’s program offers stability and a way to regulate mood with healthy activities. The rewarding nature of cocaine use means taking the time to readjust to normal healthy activities. Our program offers many healthy activities including weekend excursions and fitness that will help address this. Mindfulness and meditation will help regulate your moods and combat cravings when the hit you. Mindfulness is practices twice daily, morning and evenings with different approaches. The Hope group program and counselling will help address relapse prevention issues that are all important when returning home. 

What is Cocaine and how is it used?

Cocaine belongs to a group of drugs known as stimulants sometimes referred to as uppers. It is a highly efficient substance, reaching the brain rapidly inducing euphoria and excitement as well as an enhanced sense of self or an ego boost; it is a truly hedonistic drug, often enhancing sexual feelings. Cocaine has the well-earned reputation for being highly addictive, illegal and moreish. It is widely and easily available these days and comes in various forms, e.g. as either rocky powder for sniffing, usually known as coke, or crack or freebase – which is a powder prepared for smoking, –  a rock-like form  which makes a cracking sound when smoked. Cocaine can also be injected. 

The Lows of Cocaine Use

Cocaine belongs to a group of drugs known as stimulants sometimes referred to as uppers. It is a highly efficient substance, reaching the brain rapidly inducing euphoria and excitement as well as an enhanced sense of self or an ego boost; it is a truly hedonistic drug, often enhancing sexual feelings. Cocaine has the well-earned reputation for being highly addictive, illegal and moreish. It is widely and easily available these days and comes in various forms, e.g. as either rocky powder for sniffing, usually known as coke, or crack or freebase – which is a powder prepared for smoking, –  a rock-like form  which makes a cracking sound when smoked. Cocaine can also be injected.

Psychological effects and risks of Cocaine use:

Physical effects and risks of Cocaine use:

The Consequences of Cocaine

The intense euphoria that can be experienced when taking cocaine is due to the fact that it increases dopamine nerve-stimulation in the brain. However, the feeling is short-lived – usually between 5 and 20 minutes only. This means that cocaine, in any form, can become highly addictive in a short time, as the user tries to recreate or prolong that intensive feeling of well-being. In addition to this, as dopamine levels are depleted, the user is left with the feeling of depression or “crashing”. Cocaine users can become irritable, erratic, violent, depressed or paranoid, as a result of even relatively short-term cocaine use.

Overstimulation Effects