Welcome to Serenity Rehab’s Alcohol Addiction program in Bhubaneswar. Many of our clients who attend Serenity program come due to their alcohol or drinking issues. The clients come from all over the State and from all age groups. Serenity Recovery offers a safe and comfortable environment to address this issue and overcome the challenges associated.

Some clients require a basic alcohol detox and some just a few days sleep aide to help them settle in. We work closely with our local private hospital who prescribes the medications needed for a one week detox.

On this page, you will find a lot of detailed information about Alcohol addiction that is designed to help you understand the challenges associated and the solution that we offer at Serenity Recovery Rehab.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol Addiction or alcohol-use-disorder as it is now officially referred to by doctors can sneak up on you slowly, or it can develop progressively in response to difficult life events. This page explains how alcohol addiction can creep up on us. The switch from moderate drinking to problem drinking occurs so gradually that most of us don’t even notice. By the time the reality of our situation becomes undeniable, we are usually already well within the clutches of addiction.

People who have never tried alcohol can be baffled as to how we could fall into this trap. They don’t understand how wonderful this drug can make us feel in the beginning. Drinking can allow us to escape our worries, and it can boost our confidence and ability to socialise. It is usually only slowly over time that the negative effects start to outweigh the positive – or as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, ‘alcohol gave me wings, but then it took away the sky’.

Alcohol affects the central nervous system and acts as a depressant like many sedative medications. It releases Endorphins in the brain with an opiate like effect, triggering a pain response and a euphoric buzz. It also relieves anxiety, and it can disinhibit behaviour, thereby helping with social interaction and performance.

Drinking alcohol daily over time creates a physical dependency, and this is a serious problem. However, it is possible to be an alcoholic without being physically dependent. Bingeing is a highly destructive pattern of drinking, affecting one’s health and endangering self and others.

Alcoholism and addiction are now recognised to be a brain dysfunction caused by the changes that occur in parts of the brain as a result of either prolonged alcohol use and/or pre-existing brain chemistry imbalance, particularly with the neural transmitter dopamine. This leads to distorted thinking or unhealthy choices in order to self-medicate your difficulties.

The Alcoholism Gene: One factor attracting scientific researched is the genetic influence, could alcohol addiction be hereditary? It often seems to run in the family, and one study found that statistically about half the risk of becoming an alcoholic is if members of your family are also alcoholic. This is to say that in families where addiction is present you are at 50 percent more risk of becoming addicted yourself.

What causes alcohol addiction can be a complicated combination of factors listed below and we ask you to explore these when undergoing alcoholism and alcohol addiction treatment.

Alcohol-Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is now the preferred medical term for describing alcohol addiction. A high-functioning alcoholic is a person who is able to hide the worst effects of their drinking.

One of the reasons it can take people so long to break free of addiction is that they believe they have to fit a certain stereotype to be in trouble. The important thing to understand is, if you continue to drink despite the obvious negative consequences of this behaviour, you have an alcohol problem.

Identifying Problems

Remember: Recognizing and accepting you have an alcohol problem is the first step to resolving it, so well done and we hope this website about alcohol rehab treatment in Bhubaneswar will help.

It is not always obvious or easy to recognize when your drinking has progressed from recreational to problematic, however, if you use alcohol to cope or avoid negative feelings you are at risk.

Think about why you drink? 

Most people enjoy the mood altering effects of alcohol. Usually, the effects increase in the following order:

The alcohol intake activates the human reward system, so even though we should probably stop at the euphoria stage, many cannot or do not want too. The brain’s feel-good chemistry, a neurotransmitter, is activated and plays an important role in motivation and reinforcement. We use the term “Hijacked” for the change that occurs in an alcoholic’s brain thus resulting in the unconscious or conscious compulsion to keep drinking despite the harmful consequences, to self or others.

Following terms describe different forms and stages of alcohol addiction:

The doctors manual of diseases have criteria to ascertain whether you have a problem, this comes on three levels by identifying the traits listed below so as the diagnosis scale can show the level of your progression:

2 or 3 mild – 4 or 5 moderate – 6 or more severe

Read through the criteria for your own assessment of alcoholism or alcohol addiction below: